Break-even analysis : Research more into a break-even analysis as an important part of your fiscal education.Select an item or product used in a healthcare organization and describe how you would calculate the break-even point.

Break-even analysis Research more into a break-even analysis as an important part of your fiscal education.Select an item or product used in a healthcare organization and describe how you would calculate the break-even point. In a 2-page paper, discuss why this break-even information is useful and create a graph showing your break-even point. Minimum of … Read more

Real Estate Investment Project : Identify and analyze a real estate investment opportunity in the Montreal/Quebec area and present it to potential investors in order to obtain capital.

Real Estate Investment Project Identify and analyze a real estate investment opportunity in the Montreal/Quebec area and present it to potential investors in order to obtain capital. The presentation should be prepared using PowerPoint, should not last more than ten minutes and should include: A description of the investment opportunity. An analysis of the market … Read more

Critically evaluate each of Facebook and We Work’s initial public offerings (IPOs), and compare and contrast them.

Undergraduate corporate finance: Intial public offering (IPO). Critically evaluate each of Facebook and We Work’s initial public offerings (IPOs), and compare and contrast them. Reflect on the different challenges faced by each company in going public, with commentary on relevant agency problems. Include relevant commentary on the process of IPO pricing as well as the … Read more

Owning and leasing : List and explain the three pros and three cons of owning and that of leasing. Using a context from within your own organization as an example, justify why you think your organization should engage in leasing or owning specific equipment.

Owning and leasing •For our second discussion question, we will explore the question of should you lease or own equipment? Some organizations never lease. Some never purchase if they can lease. You get to decide which you would rather do. Yes, many do both and you can as well. •List and explain the three pros … Read more

Variance analysis and sensitivity analysis : Differentiate between variance analysis and sensitivity analysis.When should a manager use which one?

Variance analysis and sensitivity analysis. Differentiate between variance analysis and sensitivity analysis.When should a manager use which one? What insights can the above documents provide?What should a manager be cautious about?

Capital expenditure : Describe your involvement in creating a capital expenditure.What steps were involved and what was the outcome?

Capital expenditure. Describe your involvement in creating a capital expenditure.What steps were involved and what was the outcome? If you have not been involved with proposing a capital expenditure, how might you prepare for submitting your request?What key elements would you include in your proposal?How would you make your case?

Sizing and trend analysis : From your additional research, discuss the two items from the perspective of a healthcare manager.

Sizing and trend analysis Discussion common sizing and trend analysis. Common sizing and trend analysis are two items healthcare managers should know about. From your additional research, discuss the two items from the perspective of a healthcare manager.

Identify a real or hypothetical healthcare organization that you will either create a brand new strategic business plan, or revise an existing business plan. Provide a clear description of the business in your presentation.

Strategic Business Plan PowerPoint. For this assignment, you will focus on pulling various elements of a strategic business plan together in a cohesive PowerPoint presentation that you may hypothetically present to executives in a healthcare organization. Identify a real or hypothetical healthcare organization that you will either create a brand new strategic business plan, or … Read more

Forecast a department/service area or your organization for the next 12 months. If you’re not currently working use hypothetical data that shows your understanding of forecasting.Will there be an increase, a decrease, or maintenance of the status quo?Explain.

Forecasting Paper Forecast a department/service area or your organization for the next 12 months. If you’re not currently working use hypothetical data that shows your understanding of forecasting.Will there be an increase, a decrease, or maintenance of the status quo?Explain. Look at these areas: Services, Revenue, Expenses, and Staffing needs. How did you arrive at … Read more

Financial statements : Explain and provide examples of the 4 basic financial statements.Compare and contrast these statements for their general purpose and use.

Financial statements Explain and provide examples of the 4 basic financial statements.Compare and contrast these statements for their general purpose and use. In what instances are each of them more important in conveying financial information?To what audiences are they targeted? How do each of the four reports fit together to contribute to a complete picture … Read more