Identify and discuss the core value of the profession that you believe most clearly plays a role in working with people experiencing racial disproportionately .

Analyze the Values & Standards in the NASW Code of Ethics Identify and discuss the core value of the profession that you believe most clearly plays a role in working with people experiencing racial disproportionately . Identify two specific ethical standards from the NASW Code of Ethics that you think might become the greatest ethical … Read more

Describe the socio-cultural factors and relational dynamics associated with development across the family life cycle.

Family systems analysis identifies patterns and roles in how the family relates. Analyze your three-generational family genogram for intergenerational themes, relationship patterns, and life-cycle transitions. What are some emerging family patterns? How have these patterns made me who I am, and what are my roles in my system? How have these patterns and roles influenced … Read more

Tell a story about your family, or a specific member of your family, that has been passed on from a previous generation.

Tell a story about your family, or a specific member of your family, that has been passed on from a previous generation. Discuss your understanding of the Multi-contextual Life Cycle Framework for Clinical Assessment and how it is a helpful guide to therapists

Describe a couple relationship family or friends that you admire. What about this couple is extraordinary to you?

EXAMINING RELATIONSHIPS Most people learn about relationships by observing those around us, including one’s own family and circle of friends. Later in the course, you will be interviewing an actual couple to explore relationship dynamics. In preparation for that assignment, complete the following questions: Describe a couple relationship family or friends that you admire. What … Read more

Which systems are specifically affected by housing quality, access to healthcare, unemployment, quality of schools, and overall economic opportunity?

Need to explain so that I can tell you can apply the theory. Answer all questions. I did not see specific examples related to the theory. For example, Which systems are specifically affected by housing quality, access to healthcare, unemployment, quality of schools, and overall economic opportunity?