Public health : What is the distinction between privacy and confidentiality? How much weight should they have when information about individuals could protect other individuals or public health?

Public health. What is the distinction between privacy and confidentiality? How much weight should they have when information about individuals could protect other individuals or public health?

Solidarity : Do you think that we in fact have duties of solidarity to our political community even though we were not given a choice to be here? If so, why? If not, why not?

Solidarity Duties of solidarity are duties that individuals have toward the community, what Wadell calls “social justice.” These would be duties to pay taxes to fund programs to help the poor or to support laws that help reduce the impact of luck  in enabling people to live good lives. Do you think that we in … Read more

Animals and Biomedical Research : Prepare a power point presentation using the following guidelines.

Animals and Biomedical Research Prepare a power point presentation using the following guidelines: Carl Cohen’s “The Case for the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research” Present on the argument from one of the main texts that are discussed as journal assignments. The due date is different for each presentation (tba). Do a PowerPoint or Prezi, … Read more

Nature and scope of the ethical theory : Define the nature and scope of the ethical theory in a way that shows how the core principle(s) of that theory lead to a specific moral conclusion.

Nature and scope of the ethical theory. Define the nature and scope of the ethical theory in a way that shows how the core principle(s) of that theory lead to a specific moral conclusion. Explain how someone who is fully committed to the moral reasoning of the ethical theory would answer your ethical question . … Read more

Ethics and Philosophy : Write a two- to-three page paper in which you describe the role of ethics and philosophy and how it affects your philosophical thinking about each of the laws.

Ethics and Philosophy. Choose two different laws: one you agree with and one that you do not agree with. Write a two- to-three page paper in which you describe the role of ethics and philosophy and how it affects your philosophical thinking about each of the laws.

The environmental community argues that the whale hunt is immoral because it violates the whales’ right to exist on the planet. Is it appropriate for nonmembers of the Makah tribeto evaluate the morality of the Makah whale hunt? Explain.

Thinking Critically about Ethical Issues You need to read case 1 on page 61 in the book Thinking Critically about Ethical Issues. The Makah tribe claim to have hunted gray whales for more than 2,000 years. They stopped in the 1920s due to a decline in the number of gray whales. Now they want to … Read more

Aristotle Critical Analysis Paper : Write a critical analysis of Aristotle’s argument for this position. Provide an analysis of the central argument(s) in the reading. Providing a critical assessment of the argument(s) and respond to potential replies to your assessment.

Aristotle Critical Analysis Paper Aristotle argues that the human good turns out to be activity of the soul exhibiting virtue. Write a critical analysis of Aristotle’s argument for this position. Provide an analysis of the central argument(s) in the reading. Providing a critical assessment of the argument(s) and respond to potential replies to your assessment.

Examine the scandal and provide a brief historical overview of the events and give analysis of the events by applying all of the concepts and theories that we learned during the course.

Case Description In May of 2021, federal Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion delivered his long-awaited report on the role of former federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau in the WE Charity scandal. The commissioner found that Morneau breached various sections of the Conflict of Interest Act by improperly furthering  private interests, by failing to recuse himself from … Read more

Evaluating Penalities : How is capital punishment implemented in Indiana? What types of criminal offenses can garner this outcome?

Evaluating Penalities Analyze ethical considerations regarding the controversial punishment parameters surrounding the death penalty. Evaluate the death penalty using critical thinking skills to analyze course concepts and real world issues. Watch the short video below which gives you an inside look at death row in Arizona: Write a 3-4 page paper with an introduction, several … Read more

You ride a motorcycle, and you think it is much more enjoyable to ride without a helmet. You also believe that your vision and hearing are better without a helmet. Your state has just passed a helmet law, and you have already received two warnings. What should you do? What if your child was riding on the motorcycle with you?

Ethical Dilemmas in Plea Bargaining. Instructions Complete the following steps: Choose to write about one of the following scenarios: 1. You are a district attorney prosecuting a burglary case. The defendant is willing to plead guilty in return for a sentence of probation, and you believe that this is a fair punishment because your evidence … Read more