Mental health and gun violence : compare and contrast how the two ethical theories you have chosen are may label one section of your essay, “Comparing the Theories.”the next section might be labeled, “Contrasting the Theories.”

Mental health and gun violence Ethical theories. These are ethical relativism, ethical egoism, utilitarianism, Kant’s deontology, and natural law theory/virtue ethics. Choose from those applied ethics cases or choose one of your own. Compare and contrast how the two ethical theories you have chosen are different. You may label one section of your essay, “Comparing … Read more

Do you think that elements of critical reasoning, or learning critical reasoning, could help combat implicit bias? why or why not?

In much of the public discourse following George Floyd’s murder, and the social movement following, the topic of implicit bias has been front of mind. Implicit bias is a bias or belief that one may hold that they are not conscious of, but may be expressed in certain ways (ex. a white woman and black … Read more

How do can critical reasoning  help to move in a  positive direction and how can that be applied in a way that people do not feel threatened after a financial crisis due to elections.

Recently we have gone through a pandemic, a massive social movement for racial equality, a financial crisis, and we just came out of an election year. Much of the public discourse surrounding all of these current issues shows polarized viewpoints and an inability for viewpoints to change when presented with new information, an openness to … Read more

What do you believe are the most important characteristics of ethical leadership? describe the relationship between the ethical leader and the follower.

Gnazzo, P. J. (2011). The chief ethics and compliance officer: A test of endurance. Business & Society Review (00453609), 116(4). Retrieved from the Trident Online Library. Also, please spend some time researching other sources to help you develop your key arguments. Bageac, D., Furrer, O., & Reynaud, E. (2011). Management Students' Attitudes Toward Business Ethics: … Read more

Ethical Decisions in the Workplace: what is the value of having an ethics program (and related programs like safety programs) and what are the responsibilities of front line leaders/supervisors and the workers when they face dilemmas such as the one described?

Ethical Decisions in the Workplace After reading  background readings, review the following scenario and address the questions at the end. Jerry Stevens heads up an excavation crew for the municipal utilities district in a city in Nebraska. A sewer line needs to be replaced and it has been excavated with a back-hoe. The trench is … Read more

discuss the legal and ethical issues surrounding ‘The End of Life Option law’ that was recently passed in California and its impact on hospitals.

First, select a topic with both legal and ethical implications faced by professionals in the healthcare setting. Your final paper will discuss the multitude of legal viewpoints, ethical issues, and issues of inter-professionalism related to your topic. You will be required to discuss how values, ethics, and sense of inter-professionalism may shape how the topic … Read more

Describe what you consider to be the responsibility of top leadership in a large organization with respect to reaching a balance between profits and stakeholder concerns.

The Evolution of Business Ethics One nice thing about this course is that you will find your background reading page rather short—but there will still be a respectable amount of reading to do. The reason is that you will be using a textbook for your Case Assignments. Well, it’s actually more of a narrative of … Read more

Provide a paragraph summarizing the concept of stakeholder management based on your readings.

Howitt, M., & McManus, J. (2012). Stakeholder management: An instrument for decision making. Management Services, 56(3), 29-34. Retrieved from Trident Online Library (ProQuest). Harrison, J. S., & Wicks, A. C. (2013). Stakeholder theory, value, and firm performance. Business Ethics Quarterly, 23(1), 97-124. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library. Spend some time reviewing an article on … Read more

Cite a theory or philosophy from Ethics Theory and Contemporary Issues 9th Edition by Barbara Mackinnon and Andrew Fiala. Briefly summarize the story and explain the moral or ethical issue/dilemma and how it relates to an ethical theory, principle, and concept or code in the course text. Make connections between theoretical concepts of ethics and real-world events in the news. Cite a theory or philosophy from Ethics Theory and Contemporary Issues 9th Edition … Read more