Is it appropriate to use inoculation to protect his children against future outbreaks of smallpox, even though there is not an active outbreak right now?based on what you have learned, how would you answer?

For as long as there have been doctors, there have been debates about the most appropriate ways to treat disease. Doctors and patients always struggle to evaluate the expected risks and benefits of different remedies. The debates have often been most vigorous with epidemic diseases because the decisions affect not just individual patients, but also … Read more

Virtue essay: according to Sommers, what is the main problem today and what is her basic answer both in terms of content and scope?

Virtue essay According to Sommers, what is the main problem today and what is her basic answer both in terms of content and scope? What part of Christina Sommers’ analysis and proposal you find convincing, if any, and what part of it, if any, do you find questionable?

Provide a description of human choice that can be seen to exemplify both of the above perspectives.

Kant took the notion of a will that is not subjected to a chain of predetermining causes as the lynchpin of his moral system. Kant recognized that it is because we happen to be to some extent free to choose our courses of action that it makes any sense at all to speak of praising … Read more

Write a 4-5 page essay assessing the applicability or relevance of the Ancient Greeks, and the position of “Virtue Ethics” to contemporary corporate business organizations.are they of value?if so, how might that be, and if not, why would that be the case?

Write a 4-5 page essay assessing the applicability or relevance of the Ancient Greeks, and the position of “Virtue Ethics” to contemporary Corporate Business Organizations. Are they of value? If so, how might that be, and if not, why would that be the case? (double spaced, with standard font)

Christian counseling, counseling couples and children: write 5 essays in current APA format ,discussing couples counseling in 500-word essay.      

Christian counseling, counseling couples and children Each essay require 500 words in the body of the paper, a title page and a reference page. Couples Counseling write 5 essays in current APA format .Discussing the following in 500-word essay.       • What are some of the ethical concerns/challenges associated with couples counseling? • What are some … Read more

In what ways will you implement critical reasoning in your lives going forward?how will you share what you’ve learned with family, friends, and colleagues?

In what ways will you implement critical reasoning in your lives going forward? How will you share what you’ve learned with family, friends, and colleagues? Are there any specific concepts you’ve learned that you have found particularly helpful?