Human trafficking- Bioethical Issue : address importance of a current and controversial bioethical issue to Healthcare and the current or emerging, dynamics of the ethical issue in the healthcare environment.

Human trafficking- Bioethical Issue  Address importance of a current and controversial bioethical issue to Healthcare and the current or emerging, dynamics of the ethical issue in the healthcare environment. Explain the issue and it’s dimensions, ethical theory and principles, ethical/cultural dynamics, nursing profession/policy and the writer’s recommendations. Concrete examples. Use at least 3 scholarly citations<5 … Read more

Scenario: do you believe that you have a “social contract” with the United States, similar to that described by Socrates in the Crito

Scenario: You were arrested and charged with a serious crime that you did not commit. The fact is that you did NOT commit this crime, however, after standing trial you have been found guilty by a jury of your peers and sentenced to 15 years in prison – let’s say 10 years with good behavior! … Read more

Ethics in Society power: construct a powerpoint presentation that explores the ethics behind a social justice cause or movement.

Ethics in Society power Construct a PowerPoint presentation that explores the ethics behind a social justice cause or movement. People join social justice movements to achieve equity, inclusion, and justice for entities such as humans, nonhuman animals, and the environment. Select a social justice movement and discuss how at least two ethical concepts listed below … Read more

Describe your current events topic and the scenario /ethical dilemma in at least three full paragraphs.

Describe your Current Events topic AND the scenario /Ethical Dilemma in at least three full paragraphs. Describe the topic in enough detail so the rest of the analysis is clear. Explain and justify your reasoning for 2 beneficial aspects to your scenario. Basically, what are two benefits of doing the action.

Ethical dilemma: what is primary ethical issue.gather all the facts.specify the relevant facts, disagreement, and other conflicts situations. in this case?

Ethical dilemma 1. what is the primary ethical issue in this case? 2. Gather all the facts. Specify the relevant facts, disagreement, and other conflicts situations. 3.Identify the stakeholders and their obligations. Identify and consider all of the people affected by a decision – the stakeholders. 4. Identify the relevant accounting ethics standards involved in … Read more

Select one of the three prompts below and respond to accordingly.

Select one of the three prompts below and respond to accordingly.           (each 1 page) Prompt #1 Has there ever been a time when you (or someone you know) let your conscience be your guide only to end up committing an immoral act? In this case, did you find that you (or someone you know) listened … Read more

Demonstrate your critical-thinking skills in 2 to 3 pages on your reactions,background/experience and important takeaways.

  Categorical Imperative: Part of Organizational Culture? Mobile phone “samsung phone” by Sean MacEntee is licensed under CC BY 2.0 In the fall of 2016, Samsung Electronics experienced a massive public relations disaster when its Galaxy Note 7 smartphones started exploding due to faulty batteries and casings. Initially, the company denied there were any technical … Read more

Address the following in a 3- to 4-page academic essay that demonstrates your critical-thinking skills.

Business Ethics are moral standards of conduct expected of a business by society. Social Responsibility involves the philosophies, policies, procedures, and actions that have the primary goal of enhancing society. Let us apply the concepts. CASE ASSIGNMENT: Utilize at least 3 sources that are not included as background readings in this course and are new … Read more

Apple vs. FBI: write a 7-10 page paper on the current case, Apple vs. FBI,present the case, historical context, layout Apple’s position, and layout FBI’s position.

Apple vs. FBI Write a 7-10 page paper on the current case, Apple vs. FBI,present the case, historical context, layout Apple’s position, and layout FBI’s position. Analyze implications of both parties and its impact on privacy, the common good, moral/ethical positions of both sides as well legal implications.