Evaluate the techniques and methods for producing budgets and periodic cost reports for projects and programmes

Assessment limits No more than 12 slides No more than 2000 words for report Select a project/ an investment opportunity of your choice and carry out a detailed financial appraisal of the project/ opportunity using traditional (Payback Period, Return on Capital etc.) and advance project appraisal techniques (Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Simple … Read more

Write a paper on emerging Trends in Software Engineering Or Software Process Improvement.

Write a paper on emerging Trends in Software Engineering Or Software Process Improvement. The paper should follow the basic framework for a scientific paper should answer the following questions: What is the Problem? Why is it a problem? How did you address it? What were the results? Further definition of structure would be: Define your … Read more

Write a report on Soft Systems methodology tools and how they are used to evaluate a System.

Engineering Systems Design – Soft Systems Methodology. Write a report on Soft Systems methodology tools and how they are used to evaluate a System. (Equipment Request / Demand Process is where i was looking at for the system). Main body part 1 – Broken down into a critical analysis of each SSM tool and any … Read more

Provide a design description, design implementation, design costs, and describing the remaining limitations and possible improvements for the design.

Final Report (Design concept on Tubular Solar Still). Provide a design description, design implementation, design costs, and describing the remaining limitations and possible improvements for the design. The document named ‘About the project’ and ‘Presentation’ is the previous assignments that we have worked on.