Explain the alphabetic principle.What is Phonics?What is the importance of the alphabetic principle as related to phonics development?

Communication skills in writing. Develop a 1.5 – 2 page, single-spaced essay that addresses the questions. Reference items in your write-up (APA style). Format: Times New Roman, Size 12 Font and Single-space Guiding Questions A. (a) Explain the alphabetic principle. (b) What is Phonics? (define what phonics is use your CORE book and other resources … Read more

Address examples of how you collect data from your students and how you use that data. Have you taught your students how to collect and organize data? What methods worked well for you?

Data Collection from Preschooler. Roblyer & Hughes (2019) discuss the importance and use of data collection and analysis in Chapter 4. Address examples of how you collect data from your students and how you use that data. Have you taught your students how to collect and organize data? What methods worked well for you?

Collectively discuss each part of the video and compose a one-page single spaced document explaining each of the three areas. Provide examples for phonological awareness, phonemic awareness and phonics.

Phonological Awareness, Phonemic Awareness, and Phonics. observe the Video:Phonological Awareness, Phonemic Awareness, and Phonics. The video will assist you in getting a crystal clear picture as to the differences between the P. A. and Phonics. Collectively discuss each part of the video and compose a one-page single spaced document explaining each of the three areas. … Read more

What is the difference between the way the word “theory” is used by laypersons, and the way developmental psychologists use it?

Developmental psychology What is the difference between the way the word “theory” is used by laypersons, and the way developmental psychologists use it? How are developmental theories useful to educators, parents, and other professionals? What is the difference between the term “sensitive period” and the term “critical period”? Why is this difference important to educators … Read more

In what ways might implicit bias impact the assessment process and assessment results in educational settings?

Assessments in Education 1.) In what ways might implicit bias impact the assessment process and assessment results in educational settings? 2.) The New Teachers’ Challenges article suggests that new teachers often report feeling under-prepared in assessment practices and developing quality classroom assessments. In what areas of assessment do you feel most confident? What do you … Read more

What is one of the biggest obstacles when integrating cross-disciplinary subjects with differentiation? How confident are you with integrating cross-disciplinary subjects with differentiation? Explain.

Cross-disciplinary What is one of the biggest obstacles when integrating cross-disciplinary subjects with differentiation? How confident are you with integrating cross-disciplinary subjects with differentiation? Explain. What is one of the biggest obstacles when integrating cross-disciplinary subjects with differentiation? How can a teacher differentiate cross-disciplinary instruction to promote human flourishing for all students?