Peer Relations Discussion- What did you learn about this topic, and how will the information you gained be helpful in your field? I am studying public health.

Peer Relations Discussion. What made you interested in this topic? What did you learn about this topic, and how will the information you gained be helpful in your field? I am studying public health. What questions do you still have about this topic?

 Identify and describe a problem in that country’s education system that you wish to attempt to resolve/improve.

Whether investment of parents result in gender disparities in Kenya education. The effect of partial investment of parents The problem in Kenya Identify and describe a problem in that country’s education system that you wish to attempt to resolve/improve Do the authors give a thorough account of the problem, putting it in the context of … Read more

What elements of effective teaching did you observe in the film? Is good teaching in the 1950s and 1960s still considered good teaching today?

Watch: TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD (1962) Run Time: 129 minutes Reflection: Does the film remind you of a current issue? Which one(s)? Describe the similarities and differences. What elements of effective teaching did you observe in the film? Is good teaching in the 1950s and 1960s still considered good teaching today? Investigate the sequel, currently … Read more

What do you think about teaching fewer topics in greater depth?

What Do You Think After you complete the exercise, record your reflections regarding what surprised you and what you learned here. Watch the video clip ( clip to observe students in an American Civics class learning about the law by role-playing different legal cases. How do you feel about “learning by doing?” What do … Read more

What strategies could be used to motivate the student and why would strategies used be effective? Could the same strategies be used if the course was face-to-face? If so, how?

Motivational Strategies. As a faculty teaching an online course-there is student who always submit late assignments, rarely participate in required discussion board, and generally does not seem to be engaged with class. What strategies could be used to motivate the student and why would strategies used be effective? Could the same strategies be used if … Read more

Describe the strategies you would use to increase and maintain student motivation, foster active engagement in learning, promote positive social interaction, and build a supportive learning environment.

University of Phoenix Material Classroom Management Plan Applying the principles of classroom management, develop a comprehensive plan that can be implemented in a specific elementary grade level classroom. Create a detailed plan to develop and maintain a sense of community within a diverse classroom. Use APA formatting. Your classroom management plan should include the following: … Read more

 Does the student have a disability according to the specified criteria?

Three major federal laws protect the rights of people with disabilities: IDEA Section 504 ADA IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act N.J.A.C. Title 6A Chapter 14 IDEA is the Federal Special Education law Schools must find, identify, and evaluate students who may have disabilities A diagnosis does not guarantee qualification Students are entitled to and … Read more

What specific protections and/or rights does Section 504 and the IDEA provide to individuals with disabilities?

Section 504 and the IDEA What specific protections and/or rights does Section 504 and the IDEA provide to individuals with disabilities? In your opinion, do these two sources of law compliment one another to provide greater protection to an individual with a disability? Provide text evidence from each to support your position.