Create a communication plan to announce the adoption of podcast into your local public school or your place of employment.

Making a change can be great, but how we communicate this plan can influence how it will be received. The success of introducing technology into any system, especially a school system, is dependent largely on how the plan is communicated. Who do you talk to first? Where do you start getting “buy in”? Create a … Read more

Discuss: Secondary level education issues in Paraguay

Capstone Project: Remote Environmental Education Internship at Para La Tiera, Paraguay on Avian Species in Neembucu. Discuss: Secondary level education issues in Paraguay Human-animal conflict in Paraguay (deforestation, poaching, etc.) Bird conflict in pillar, Paraguay Issues of the neembucu (wetland area) of Paraguay Background Para La Tierra program Para La Tiera stakeholder, Peace Corps Purpose … Read more

Budget Models and Resource Allocation: Discuss the different types of budget models.

Budget Models and Resource Allocation. Discuss the different types of budget models. How do post-secondary institutions manage resource allocation? What does the Bible instruct us regarding financial planning? Support your discussion of a biblical worldview with specific Scripture passages.

FINDING FORRESTER (2000):What expectations did William Forrester, Dr. Crawford, and Clarie hold for Jamal?

Activity C: Select ONE of the movies from Reel to Reel ( FINDING FORRESTER (2000) Reflection: What expectations did William Forrester, Dr. Crawford, and Clarie hold for Jamal? What social factors influenced these expectations? Did they change throughout the film? Why or why not? How would you describe a successful student? A successful athlete? Did … Read more

Evaluate current debates on the sociological and socio-legal theories and concepts of childhood and children’s rights in relation to the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child.

Children right in today’s world Evaluate current debates on the sociological and socio-legal theories and concepts of childhood and children’s rights in relation to the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child. Examine the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and its legal implementation in your own country. (Somalia) Evaluate current … Read more