Why is it important to teach “creativity” skills?

Why is it important to teach “creativity” skills? Present a strong, persuasive and possibly biased ‘for’ or ‘against’ argument, supported by ‘evidence’ of your choosing. It should begin with a short description or definition of your topic before moving into the argument itself. The central theme of your presentation should be a clearly directed, strong … Read more

Response – JS HR-Choose incidents, reports, or a case study revelation of the hiring, termination, compensation, or professional development practices of the selected organization for your critique.

Response – JS HR. Provide a brief response to the post below. Choose incidents, reports, or a case study revelation of the hiring, termination, compensation, or professional development practices of the selected organization for your critique.

Qualitative studies are often used to explore questions about cultural diversity and the immigrant experience in education. Why? What advantages and disadvantages do you see in that approach? Why?

Inequity and Marginalized Populations. Qualitative studies are often used to explore questions about cultural diversity and the immigrant experience in education. Why? What advantages and disadvantages do you see in that approach? Why?

SEX & GENDER CONCERNS-Explain the difference between gender and sex. Why is such a distinction important?

SEX & GENDER CONCERNS. Explain the difference between gender and sex. Why is such a distinction important? What are practices you might engage in that alienate students for whom their gender does not match their sex or gender non-conforming students? What can you do, as an educator, to ensure a fair and unbiased classroom for … Read more

Do you agree with John Hattie that excellence in teaching makes the greatest differences, not just teachers? Explain.

Teachers make a difference reflection. John Hattie writes, “Teacher[s] can and usually do have positive effects, but they must have exceptional effects.” What resources, habits of mind, or training do you think you will need to insure your ability to have exceptional effects on student learning? How can you compensate for insufficient resources or training? … Read more

Discuss how analysis & evaluation of lesson planning enables practitioners to improve their practice.

Placement/educational philosophy questions. Give an example of how you observed teachers use their subject knowledge to meet the needs of all pupils and enable them to make progress.​ Discuss how analysis & evaluation of lesson planning enables practitioners to improve their practice. Discuss how your reading and understanding of educational philosophy (theory) has been observed … Read more