Program Evaluation Theory-Identify the essential common elements of each approach as well as the key differences between these.

Program Evaluation Theory. Select 2 of these evaluation approaches (these can be under the same factor or under a different factor) and will compare and contrast these 2 approaches. Identify the essential common elements of each approach as well as the key differences between these. Identify a program that could be evaluated (and using the … Read more

Write a detailed lesson plan and accompanying rationale, which explains how to plan and deliver an effective lesson.

Write a detailed lesson plan and accompanying rationale, which explains how to plan and deliver an effective lesson. Consider various aspects of planning and clear objectives, age group, differentiation, UK national curriculum requirements etc. 2500words  

Apply skills and strategies presented in this lesson to develop a plan for teaching from “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”.

Apply skills and strategies presented in this lesson to develop a plan for teaching from “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”. The plan must involve a minimum of 4 reading comprehension strategies. Available at pdf (Links to an external site.) and copied into Canvas.

Critically analyze learning and teaching in your subject within classrooms and other learning environments, taking into account individual learner needs, context and research in order to develop subject pedagogy.

Subject pedagogy. Critically re-conceptualises existing subject knowledge (in this case teaching French to year 7 and year 8 students at Carleton Pontefract high school remotely using google classroom) to engage with subject specific issues, concepts and skills in order to apply to planning, teaching, learning and assessment; Critically analyze learning and teaching in your subject … Read more

What are the professionals and legal responsibilities facing those who work with children, young people and vulnerable adults with SEND?

Safeguarding and Advocacy in the context of SEND ( special educational needs and disability). What are the professionals and legal responsibilities facing those who work with children, young people and vulnerable adults with SEND?