Conduct a correlational analysis on a particular data set and report the findings in the context of a hypothetical research example.

Correlations and Significance Conduct a correlational analysis on a particular data set and report the findings in the context of a hypothetical research example. Statistical and practical significance of the findings will also be reported.

Write about the soft skills that are required in the labor market and workplace, that must be included in high school Visual art curriculum.

The importance of including global labor market skills in art education curricula in high school. Write about the soft skills that are required in the labor market and workplace, that must be included in high school Visual art curriculum.

Reflect on planning taught in one core subject in light of new learning about policy, innovation and practice (2000 words).

Critical Issues in Core Past, Present, Future. Reflect on planning taught in one core subject in light of new learning about policy, innovation and practice (2000 words). Critically examine current policy and practice in one core subject (different core subject to LO1) (2000 words). Consider your future practice in one core subject (different core subject to … Read more

Ascertain three new advances in computer and web technologies that would benefit K–12 assessment that are related to your topic.

Assessment Project. Evaluate your district’s assessment strategy for the area(s) that are relevant to your research and make any recommendations. Consider the following points: Does your district’s current assessment strategy meet the needs of certain populations of students? What can be done to improve assessment results, especially within specific populations? Are there any concerns about … Read more

STEINER WALDORF EDUCATION-Critically evaluate  Waldorf education ideas for educating young children, and whether such an education can prepare the young child for life in the 21st century.

STEINER WALDORF EDUCATION. Critically evaluate  Waldorf education ideas for educating young children, and whether such an education can prepare the young child for life in the 21st century. Review a relevant literature that addresses the question of whether Steiner’s philosophy can encourage a more prepared child in this 21st century.