Describe the components of language and provide an example of each and how an impairment in this component impacts learning, and provide a specific, clear example of what a student with this impairment might do

Describe the components of language and provide an example of each and how an impairment in this component impacts learning, and provide a specific, clear example of what a student with this impairment might do. Think about this as a cheat sheet for a teacher to refer to when working with a student who is … Read more

Write a 1,000-1,500 word essay discussing the relationship between proficiency in L1 and the ability to learn L2. Include a brief discussion of the stages of L1 acquisition.

Write a 1,000-1,500 word essay discussing the relationship between proficiency in L1 and the ability to learn L2. Include a brief discussion of the stages of L1 acquisition. Your essay should address the following questions: How can literacy in L1 support literacy in L2? What instructional implications does this create? When and how would it … Read more

Education policy: explain the usefulness and the aims of the policy? what will be its impact?

Curriculum, Assessment & Pedagogy (ED7121) Critical analysis of a recent education policy Suggested Format Introduction Description of the policy What are the aims of the policy? What area does the policy relate to? Why the policy formulated? Historical background? Analysis of the policy, using insights from relevant theories and perspectives. Is the policy fit for … Read more

Explain if interactions is typical in the homeschool setting? How do parents handle these interactions? How do students handle these interactions? Are academic subjects dropped due to tensions between parents and students?

Recommendations for Homeschooling Studies It is time to expand homeschooling studies beyond the typical examinations of academic achievement, student socialization, and parental motivation to homeschool. The findings from this study introduced new avenues of inquiry that may be worth pursuing including investigations into the emotionally-charged interactions between parents and students and the lack of writing … Read more

Explain what the Christian faith says about compassion for those who are oppressed and/or marginalized and how you see that applying or not applying to these issues of diversity.

Ethnocentrism and racism are factors that can adversely affect the growth and development of minority group members. Because ethnic and racial conflict play a significant role in human history and current events, you will take time to reflect on these topics and then write a paper addressing the following: 1) Introductory paragraph that introduces the … Read more

Linguistic Introspection : describe and examine the role of language and culture in the society using specific examples of oral and written communication

Linguistic Introspection This piece will take the form of a 5-6 page critical reflection (double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font) about  languaging experiences and how those have interacted with and/or against your culture, identity, and learning. Describe and examine the role of language and culture in the society using specific examples of oral … Read more

Write a reseach paper dealing with how Covid has impacted students performance and how it  will continue to do so.

1.Write a reseach paper dealing with how Ccvid has impacted students performance and how it  will continue to do so. 2. Resond to the question WHAT MUST TEACHERS DO TO BRIDGE THE GAP WITH THEIR STUDENTS WHEN SCHOOLS REOPEN IN SEPT? 3. Focus on both ACADEMIC SKILLS and SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING- emphasize social emotional learning. … Read more

Produce a newspaper to highlight a significant contemporary issue in education and about significant thinking, political trends, statistics, any relevant policy and practice.

Produce a newspaper to highlight a significant contemporary issue in education and about significant thinking, political trends, statistics, any relevant policy and practice. It should include at least one written article of 1000 -1500 words written by member. In addition, there will be shorter pieces which might include stories, interviews, puzzles, advertisements, cartoons and relevant … Read more

Discuss the key roles within the front office department for a selected organisation with reference to an organisation of own choice.

Discuss the key roles within the front office department for a selected organisation with reference to an organisation of own choice (Choose any organization). highlight the roles in relation to the accommodation services at that business and the main duties of these roles