Media Analysis: Compare the coverage of  different types of sources: newspapers, magazines, academic journals and books.               

Media Analysis Compare the coverage of  different types of sources: newspapers, magazines, academic journals and books.                                                                                                                                                                        Should be 800–1000 words and requires citations from 3-4 sources in current APA formatting.              This media analysis will include a title page, a reference page, and have a minimal of 800-word limit. Identify relevant scriptural principles and perspectives from … Read more

Through field experiences in this program, what strategies have you observed that have hindered or helped students to generate meaningful questions that develop their mathematical thinking? How will these observations affect your future practice?

Answer with 250 WORDS . Through field experiences in this program, what strategies have you observed that have hindered or helped students to generate meaningful questions that develop their mathematical thinking? How will these observations affect your future practice? Describe how to generate questions for students while addressing a variety of levels and capabilities of … Read more

Describe the intelligence and propose an activity that would allow students with strengths in this area to show they have achieved this second-grade standard.

Part A Describe the intelligence and propose an activity that would allow students with strengths in this area to show they have achieved this second-grade standard. Ramos’s Class (VF1) and Ms. Ramos’s Class: Virtual Field Experience (MR1). (videos have been uploaded)Select three children and describe what you think their learning strengths and multiple intelligences are … Read more

Highlight and explain the effects of alcohol on human health.

Highlight and explain the effects of alcohol on human health. Objective: The learners, using specified objectives, formulate appropriate evaluation activities Points : 90 The format for this paper includes: (10) 1. A first page with the scope and sequence of the curriculum, including all enabling objectives enumerated in continuous and sequential order from the first … Read more

Prepare a Journal Critique, evaluate and critique 1 research article from varying professional journals.

Journal Critique Instructions Prepare a Journal Critique, evaluate and critique 1 research article from varying professional journals. The journal can be from any discipline that addresses a topic in higher education specific to the module assigned. All articles must be current (5 years or less). Each paper will include a title page, a reference page, … Read more

Write a 1,000-1,500 word essay discussing the relationship between proficiency in L1 and the ability to learn L2.

Write a 1,000-1,500 word essay discussing the relationship between proficiency in L1 and the ability to learn L2. Include a brief discussion of the stages of L1 acquisition in your essay for context. Your essay should address the following questions: How can literacy in L1 support literacy in L2? What instructional implications does this create? … Read more

Explain how the power of language can affect self-expression, identity development and learning.

Understanding one selve First We all have biases that can impact children. Select and complete one of the 14 subtests from the following resource: Teaching Tolerance. (2015). Test yourself for hidden bias. Retrieved from After reviewing your results, explain the following: What you learned from the bias tests (You are not required to include … Read more

Explore and explain how to use this site to support  students.

Understood Scavenger Hunt Explore the Understood website @ Reflect on the quality and usefulness of this site to support students, families, educators, and stakeholders. Explain how to use this site to support  students. Provide a brief overview of at least 5 resources that you found helpful on the site and explain how they support … Read more