Academic Nurse Educator interview :Develop an interview protocol of ten questions to ask during the interview.compose a written report of the interview and the interview questions and responses.

Academic Nurse Educator interview Develop an interview protocol of ten questions to ask during the interview compose: a) written report of the interview b) interview questions and responses

DQ1 and DQ2 : ”we must differentiate our mindset first and our lessons second.” (Dweck, 2012). What does this saying mean to you? In your own words, what is the difference between differentiation and tracking?

DQ1 and DQ2  250words and 2 scholar references. These are separate assignments and should have own reference page. Included the topic in the title so I can identify the assignment . Topic 3 DQ 1   “We must differentiate our mindset first and our lessons second.” (Dweck, 2012). What does this saying mean to you? … Read more

In a 4-page paper, discuss strengths and areas of improvement, and the relevance to your current, or future, role as an educational leader.

  Student affairs administration can encompass a wide variety of organizations and services in college and universities. However, there are key elements of student affairs that should be considered to ensure best practices. Select one of the seven inventories outlined by the NASPA Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education and apply it to a student … Read more

Using the Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS), create a reading learning experience you would implement with ELLs to support fluency and comprehension of the language.

Reading Learning Experience Using the Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS), create a reading learning experience you would implement with ELLs to support fluency and comprehension of the language. Be sure to specify the grade or age group and level of your students. Include a 750-1,000 word description of the learning experience, the materials needed, … Read more

What support is currently available for early career teachers and how might the Early career framework improve the support they receive so that more remain in the profession?

Research and Enquiry in Education: Continued Professional Development and Career Progression: What support is currently available for Early Career Teachers and how might the Early Career Framework improve the support they receive so that more remain in the profession?

Case Studies : choose a legal issue in education from this course. Interview an educator asking questions about their knowledge and experiences with the chosen issue.

Case Studies Choose a legal issue in education from this course. Interview an educator asking questions about their knowledge and experiences with the chosen issue. In your paper include examples of at least 3 legal cases, a description of the law or Constitutional right being addressed, a summary of your interview, and a reflection on … Read more

Arizona school superintendent calls teacher walkout illegal:Discuss each case and what protections a teacher may have related to each issue. Are the teachers exercising their legal rights in a valid way? Which right(s) may they be covered by if they are?

Protests and Walkouts Each video showcases a disputed issue related to teachers’ rights. In Video 1, a San Francisco, California teacher fights to remove a violent student from her room putting her at risk of losing her job as a first-year teacher in the district. Video – Protest held in San Francisco against policy allowing … Read more