Write an essay addressing  the most important considerations you should have when preparing for a multidisciplinary team meetings and why?

Write an essay addressing  the most important considerations you should have when preparing for a multidisciplinary team meetings and why? Essay should list at least five pieces of student and/or school data you should prepare, providing a rationale for each. APA format is required a minimum of 2 pages required

Watch and write down what was most interesting to you from your observation? what did you gain from this observation?

Field Observation Watch (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GmEcvu22Hs) and write down what you see: Room environment, outdoor environment (nurturing, sterile, colorful, to stimulating) Number of children and adults (in the room and in groups) Age of children Activities : Curriculum? Assessment tools? Structure of the classroom (how the classroom is set up: free choice, rotating centers, desks or tables) … Read more

Write a summary and address the practical application for you connecting it to your teaching experience or your pursuit of becoming a teacher.

Clinical Field Experience C: Intervention SPD 570 DUE TO COVID 19 RESRICTIONS YOU CAN YouTube, Teacher Tube, Teaching Channel, ASCD, Edutopia, The Teacher’s Network, Progress Center (SPED) and PBS are all great online resources that post many videos that could be watched in lieu of time in the physical placement. Here is some additional information … Read more

What practices of school teachers in Cape Coast Metropolis are synchronized with TAI? ● What ch

A PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY OF NOVICE TEACHERS’ EXPERIENCES WITH DIVERSE CLASSROOM READINESS ● What practices of school teachers in Cape Coast Metropolis are synchronized with TAI? ● What challenges do school teachers in the Cape Coast Metropolis face in undertaking TAI? ● What is the impact of teaching as an inquiry on the outcomes of teaching … Read more

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: explain how the ideas and perspectives of your peers have shaped your understanding of the situation.

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Assess your knowledge of the subject area and ability to evaluate, select and apply appropriate leadership techniques and approaches for resolving complex situations and disputes (LO2). Explain how the ideas and perspectives of your peers have shaped your understanding of the situation. There is no set number of discussion posts that should be … Read more

Write a statement of your philosophy on the role of assessment and evaluation in the classroom.

Philosophy of Assessment Paper Write a statement of your philosophy on the role of assessment and evaluation in the classroom. In the paper, explain your beliefs about the following: the relationship between instruction and assessment; the effects of individual and cultural differences on instruction and assessment; the needs and strategies for collaboration with students, peers, … Read more

Literacy Assessment and Framework: what technology tools are utilized in the classroom to reinforce and develop literacy curricular concepts outlined in the literacy framework?

Literacy Assessment and Framework Answer the following questions: In 250 words uses literacy assessment and a literacy framework in your essay. • How does your assessment data drive instruction and the literacy framework? • What data collection methods are used to track and monitor student progress? What technology tools are used to focus on continuous … Read more