Preparing for the Personal Tutor Role: discuss how own values, behaviours, and attitudes can impact on the personal tutoring role.

Preparing for the Personal Tutor Role Discuss how own values, behaviours, and attitudes can impact on the personal tutoring role. What are the boundaries and limitations of a personal tutoring role. why it is important that learners take responsibility for their own learning and why it is important that personal tutoring programmes support the development … Read more

Foundation of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism: make a table or diagram to iIlustrate how one person’s dual or multilingual ability and language usage has changed and developed since birth.write down how different contexts have affected that change and development.

Foundation of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism Make a table or diagram to iIlustrate how one person’s dual or multilingual ability and language usage has changed and developed since birth. Write down how different contexts have affected that change and development.

Primary PGDE :how can one encourage reluctant readers to engage with a variety of texts in and outside of school?

Primary PGDE How can one encourage reluctant readers to engage with a variety of texts in and outside of school? Explore the nature of school’s community by analysing relevant data and identifying Specify local strengths and challenges. Design, implement and evaluate a practitioner Based enquiry that seeks to maximise the assets of the community or … Read more

Briefly list Erikson’s stages of development and give a description of what one can generally expect during each stage.

1. Briefly list Erikson’s stages of development and give a description of what one can generally expect during each stage. 2. Given the age and subject you plan to teach , give an example of a developmental milestone you will likely encounter for each of the following: -Cognitive Development -Social Development -Moral Development -Epistemological Development … Read more

Pick a language acquisition model.describe the model and identify the theorist most closely associated with the model.explain why you chose this model to discuss.

Pick a language acquisition model.Describe the model and identify the theorist most closely associated with the model. Explain why you chose this model to discuss. According to your model, describe how language develops and how family members/educational professionals can help support language development with children who are struggling with learning language. (150-200 words)

Discuss the trend in educational appropriations per FTE and state and local government funding support for higher education.what impact might this have on decisions made by higher education administrators?

Case Discuss the trend in educational appropriations per FTE and state and local government funding support for higher education. What impact might this have on decisions made by higher education administrators? Discuss the changes in net tuition and student share of operating costs over time in your state. Discuss how changes in educational appropriations and … Read more