Constructivism and Active Learning: discuss constructivist theories regarding children as active learners or “little scientists”.

Constructivism and Active Learning Discuss Constructivist theories regarding children as active learners or “little scientists”. Based on your understanding of constructivism, how would you describe active learning? What instruction methods support this approach? How does this approach support the developmental needs of young children? Respond in an original post and to the comments of two … Read more

Select the organizational frame that best represents your campus.explain while making connections to the content provided in this module.what would you need to change at your campus to move your school in the direction that Alan November and Heidi Hayes support in their videos.  

Watch videos then answer the worksheet and discussion question below Focuses on the Human Resource Frame. Select the organizational frame that best represents your campus.  Explain while making connections to the content provided in this module.what would you need to change at your campus to move your school in the direction that Alan November and … Read more

Reflection and Integration: identify and reflect on two elements of this course that are useful in your professional development and ability to evaluate theories of leadership to support an organizational culture that results in the success of students, employees, and communities.

Reflection and Integration Identify and reflect on two elements of this course that are useful in your professional development and ability to evaluate theories of leadership to support an organizational culture that results in the success of students, employees, and communities.  

Write a persuasive speech outline using Monroe’s Motivated sequence

Monroe’s Motivated Write a persuasive speech outline using Monroe’s Motivated sequence Introduction Gain Attention: Establish Your Credibility: Central Idea: Preview Your Main Points: Body of the Presentation (Need, Satisfaction & Visualization) Need: [Exactly what is the problem with the current situation?] Supporting material: [Supporting material should include statistics, or research from credible sources. Each source … Read more

Unit 3 journal: what do your responses say about your personal and professional boundaries?are there any cultural factors or contextual factors that might cause you to change your answers?

unit 3 journal What do your responses say about your personal and professional boundaries? Are there any cultural factors or contextual factors that might cause you to change your answers? Consider the following cases and apply the ethical standards we have sum-marized to your analysis. What ethical issues are involved in each case? What potential … Read more

Professional Contexts: summarize the following two articles and make a critical comment on each.      

Professional Contexts                                                                                                                          Summarize the following two articles and make a critical comment on each. 1,200 words Article 1: Harms, P and Roebuck, D. 2009 ‘Teaching the art and craft of giving and receiving feedback.’ Article 2: Danielson, C.  Chapter 1 ‘Why Professional Conversation?’ In Talk about teaching! Leading Professional Conversations Use the Harvard referencing system correctly, … Read more