Reflection of the parents:Carly’s Voice:based on your reading and your previous knowledge and experiences, write a two to three-page reflection of the parents’ reaction to their daughter’s issues.

Reflection of the parents Read Section Carly’s Voice – (approximately 107 pages) • 1. Based on your reading and your previous knowledge and experiences, write a two to three-page reflection of the parents’ reaction to their daughter’s issues. •Make a list of at least 10 facts that you learned about Autism from reading this section … Read more

Write a 2 100 word replies to the following discussion.

Write a 2 100 word replies to the following discussion. In Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence teachers understand that students have different learning styles and education should not make assumption as to how students will grasp a content. So, as an educator the teacher will teach the lesson utilizing at least three or more of Gardner’s “MI” … Read more

Curriculum Reflection: discuss your views on the importance of planning for the curriculum change plan process.

Curriculum Reflection Overview You have observed multiple examples of curriculum planning in your life. This assignment will allow you to reflect on the topic of curriculum planning and to consider the curriculum influences in your life. It is important for you to examine your position on these topics, in order to have awareness of your … Read more

Write a 2 200 word replies to discussions.

Write a 2 200 word replies to discussions. The first one is. drienne Unertl, Jill Outka-Hill, Roland Robinson, and Carla Hester-Cro research in Preparing Teachers to Engage Rural Students in Computational Thinking Through Robotics, Game Design, and Culturally Responsive Teaching, the researchers define core curriculum is a “set of educational goals, explicitly taught (and not … Read more

Leadership Theories: write a document in which you address the most likely leadership theory for the principal to pursue in this situation and for this background.

Leadership Theories You have been called in to consult with the new principal of a large urban high school. The principal has just transferred from a smaller school in the suburbs of another city in another state. Her educational background includes one of the most prestigious schools of education in the country. In fact, she … Read more

Developing early number concepts and number sense: define the following and offer one strategy to teach each of these ideas to students.

Developing Early Number Concepts and Number Sense define the following and offer one strategy to teach each of these ideas to students. 1. Subitizing (1 points) 2. Cardinality (1 points) 3. Counting is a complicated process.  What must a child be able to do in order to accurately verbally count a set of objects? (2 … Read more

Classroom Management Letter: write a 500-750 word letter to the parents of your students outlining your classroom management plan. 

Classroom Management Letter You have recently been hired to teach a sixth grade inclusive classroom at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School. Your principal has asked you to write a 500-750 word letter to the parents of your students outlining your classroom management plan. 

CRITICAL ANALYSIS: what are some of the limitations of conducting small-scale educational research?

CRITICAL ANALYSIS What are some of the limitations of conducting small-scale educational research? Identify the key features of different research methodologies and evaluate which data collection methods are appropriate for different purposes. Conduct research in order to produce a literature review on an area of their own interest, observing appropriate academic conventions.