Al Capone does my shirts: summarize the story.Include a character description, identification of the special need/disability, and the main points of the action.

Al Capone does my shirts. Some novels will describe more than one disability in that case you should choose the most obvious disability to you and focus on that one disability. Summarize the story.Include a character description, identification of the special need/disability, and the main points of the action. Describe this disability in the novel. … Read more

Storytelling and Poetry: select one of your favorite rhymes/poems and copy/paste it into your discussion post then describe how you would present it to a group of children.

Storytelling and Poetry Select one of your favorite rhymes/poems and copy/paste it into your discussion post then describe how you would present it to a group of children. How would you introduce the poem?Describe props you would use. How would you connect the poem to written language?How would you communicate to the parents and families … Read more

Relationship between teaching and learning: discuss the raw data presentation and discuss the descriptive statistics used to present the data be sure to include both averages and distributions.

Relationship between teaching and learning. Find a peer-reviewed, data-based article on EBSCO or Pro Quest related to the electric vehicle industry that has quantitative statistical research. Summarize the article very briefly (no more than 1 page) Discuss the raw data presentation and discuss the descriptive statistics used to present the data be sure to include … Read more

In your own words, take your most recent school experience, prior to FIU, and describe what a day in the life would look like if your school were to embrace the progressive philosophy of education.

John Dewey is known as the father of progressive education. In our society today, that term is used in certain circles with a negative connotation and in some circles, it’s used with a positive connotation. Those ideas aside, Consider what it would mean if our education system in 2021 were to be driven by the … Read more

Compares and contrasts the following two accrediting agencies: middle States commission on higher education and higher learning commission.

Comparison of Middle States Commission on Higher Education and the Higher Learning Commission. compares and contrasts the following two accrediting agencies: 1) Middle States Commission on Higher Education 2) Higher Learning Commission Discuss in detail various aspects of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Discuss in detail various aspects of the Higher Learning Commission.

The Impact of PBS on Survivors of TBIs: what strategy is utilized to measure the impact of implementation of Positive.

The Impact of PBS on Survivors of TBIs What strategy is utilized to measure the impact of implementation of Positive. What are the current practices for TBI identification in schools? Is there a relationship between the implementation of Positive Behavior Supports with special education students who are between the ages of 13-19, who have sustained … Read more

Write a paper explaining functional behavioral assessments and behavior intervention plans.

Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavioral Intervention Plan Write a paper explaining Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans. (4pages) Include the following: Functional Behavioral Assessments Behavior Intervention Plans The Law as it pertains to disability and discipline Teaching coping and self control for behavior management.  

Stockholders equity project: is there a relationship between student’s school experiences and the overall buildings facility classroom condition?explain

Stockholders equity project The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a significant relationship between student experiences and school facilities. It is the researcher’s hope to find a relationship between building conditions and student experiences so that the findings can be used to influence policy makers and educational stakeholders to design facilities … Read more

What is your understanding of teamwork? what does it involve? is teamwork needed within health care delivery?use literature to support your work .

ANALYSE AROUND YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE TERMS ‘TEAMWORK’ AND INTERPROFESSIONAL COLLABORATION What is your understanding of teamwork? what does it involve? is teamwork needed within health care delivery? use literature to support your work .(approx. 200 words). What is your understanding of interprofessional collaboration? what does it involve? is interprofessional collaboration needed with health care … Read more