Articles of Bilingualism : Examine 2 research articles that build on each others finding and explain how and why the theory and methodology are appropriate to address the aims and objectives of the research.

Articles of Bilingualism •Critically examine two research articles both focusing on broadly the same theme. •Examine 2 research articles that build on each others finding and explain how and why the theory and methodology are appropriate to address the aims and objectives of the research. Need to have: Introduction Propose of research Methodology Literature review … Read more

Construction project management: Explain how the learning goal and the planned supports align with the IEP goal.

Construction project management •Explain how the learning goal and the planned supports align with the IEP goal. •List any special accommodations or modifications in the learning environment,instruction, or assessment required by the IEP and relevant to the learning goal.  

Multicultural Case Study: Describes at least two (2) past or present biases toward others of different cultures and one strategy for improving one’s cultural competency related to these biases.

Multicultural Case Study •Describes at least two (2) past or present biases toward others of different cultures and one strategy for improving one’s cultural competency related to these biases. •Self-awareness is evident through honesty, depth, variety, detail, and/or nuance.Explain.    

Primary education with QTS: Describe what constitutes effective teaching.Describe and discuss the skills and knowledge required to meet teachers’ standards.

Primary education with QTS •Describe what constitutes effective teaching. •Describe and discuss the skills and knowledge required to meet teachers’ standards. •Identify the principles of critical thinking and critical . •Outline the principles of effective critical reading for research.  (2000 words each)

Project planning and scheduling: Provide guidance as to the budget for the initiative and its timeline from inception to completion.

Project planning and scheduling Surf School A friend has approached you about starting up a surf school. You are requested to participate in all aspects of its establishment from venue selection and preparation, advertising and promoting the school, through to delivery of instruction on basic water safety and how to surf. It is expected that … Read more

Jose Rizal Movie : What do you think is the primary message of the movie to the Filipino generation after more than 100years of its Independence?

Jose Rizal Movie 1. What do you think is the primary message of the movie to the Filipino generation after more than 100years of its Independence? 2. Which part or parts of the 3-hour movie should have been deleted or less emphasized? why? 3. In the scenes, characters, or sequences in the movie,did you notice … Read more

Importance of recognising ACES: Critically explore the importance of recognising ACES and the impact that it has upon learners. Draw upon relevant literature, legislation and policy to support your response.

Importance of recognising ACES •Critically analyze the potential impact of the ALN Code of Practice upon both practitioners and learners.  Draw upon relevant literature, legislation and policy to support your response. •Critically explore the importance of recognising ACES and the impact that it has upon learners. Draw upon relevant literature, legislation and policy to support your … Read more

Likert survey: Develop three effective Likert survey questions that are supported by the literature.

Likert survey Develop three effective Likert survey questions that are supported by the literature. This is a 3-4-page assignment. The first page should be a correctly formatted (APA style) title page that includes the title of your study. The second page should include the Central Research Question for your study and list the three Likert … Read more

Quality and Sustainability : Write a paper discussing the role of quality and/or safety in nursing science.

Quality and Sustainability Write a paper discussing the role of quality and/or safety in nursing science. (1,250-1,500 words) Include the following: Define quality and/or safety measures and describe their relationship and role in nursing science today. Provide a contemporary example of how quality or safety measures are applied in nursing science. Identify the quality and/or … Read more