What specific accommodations would you put in place to ensure people of all abilities could fully participate?

Events. How do you feel about events specifically designed for individuals with special needs. Write a 250 – 500 word description of a fully inclusive event that you would like to host. It could be a party, a carnival, a festival or any other event you can think of hosting. How would the event look … Read more

Select one of the air transportation solutions discussed in the module readings, and then analyze and evaluate the travel and company culture factors that would make that transportation solution a viable option for a business.

Flight operations options in aviation As illustrated in the module readings, there are numerous flight operations options available to a business. Which option is best for the business depends upon a number of travel factors, including the size of the company, the number of trips taken, the frequency and distance of those trips, the need … Read more

Using an example from Altieri – Chapter 1 and evidence from your personal experience as a student, explain why is it important to focus on disciplinary literacy skills in social studies?

The Importance of Content Literacy Using an example from Altieri – Chapter 1 and evidence from your personal experience as a student, explain why is it important to focus on disciplinary literacy skills in social studies? What are some obstacles you’ve seen with your struggling readers when reading in your class? What is a strategy … Read more

Critical Thinking : Write a Literature Review on “Critical Thinking in Primary Education”.

Critical Thinking Write a Literature Review on “Critical Thinking in Primary Education”. Ensure the following: A clear case for the intellectual/educational importance of addressing this topic An account of your literature search strategy and how you identified and selected relevant material to include A clear account of how you position yourself within this field of … Read more

Who commissioned the research and why?Will this affect the findings? When was the research conducted? What has changed since then in that context? If anything?

Critical Review of Research in area of Leadership and Management . Who commissioned the research and why? Will this affect the findings? When was the research conducted? What has changed since then in that context? If anything? Are the aims of the research clearly laid out? Have they given clear rationale for the research? What … Read more

Create a creative representation of the relationships among the NBPTS Core Propositions, RWRCOEL Professional Dispositions, Technology Proficiencies, Diversity Proficiencies, and a set of standards that govern your own professional practice.

Determining Teacher Proficiencies. Review the following documents using the Standards and Proficiencies link on the MSED Documents page: RWRCOEL Diversity Proficiencies (PDF) RWRCOEL Professional Dispositions (PDF) RWRCOEL Technology Proficiencies (PDF) Standards for MSED Program and Professional Educator Success (PDF) Note: This document includes the NBPTS Core Propositions Create a creative representation of the relationships among … Read more

“How can schools encourage positive social relationships and prevent bullying?” Critically discuss with reference to recent theories and empirical research.

Relationship and bullying. “How can schools encourage positive social relationships and prevent bullying?” Critically discuss with reference to recent theories and empirical research. Relationship and bullying. Are they distinct or they relate? Check recent theories to evaluate the different interventions which have been successful. What causes and evidence of effectiveness are? Illustrate. What schools are … Read more

Ill-Structured Problem : What characteristics of the case study demonstrate that this is an ill-structured problem?

Ill-Structured Problem. Case study Connecting Standards to Practice Discrimination or Background Knowledge, Part During Sharon Grey’s first weeks as assistant superintendent, she was approached by a delegation of minority parents representing two of the three middle schools in the district. The parents politely explained that their children in Pocono and Jefferson Middle Schools were routinely … Read more

State Testing in MIssissippi : Using the MDE link provided in the CANVAS module, research, and write a description of each assessment.

State Testing in MIssissippi Using the MDE link provided in the CANVAS module, research, and write a description of each assessment. (one well-constructed paragraph minimum for each assessment) https://mdek12.org/OSA (Links to an external site.) There should be a heading for each of the following: ACT State Testing English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) National Assessment of … Read more

Case scenario : Summarize the following reading strategies in 100-200 words each. Describe the benefits of the strategy and specific tips for implementation.

Comprehensive early reading strategies and instructional goals Develop a comprehensive early reading plan based on the following case scenario and the tasks that follow the scenario: Kale has just transferred to a new school from another state. It is the middle of the school year and Kale’s new teacher is concerned about his reading skills,particularly … Read more