Systematic Listing : Andrew is going to have a meal. He can choose one starter and one main from the menu.Write down all the possible combinations Andrew can choose.

Systematic Listing 1.  Andrew is going to have a meal. He can choose one starter and one main from the menu.Write down all the possible combinations Andrew can choose. Menu Starter Main Soup Pizza Dough balls Salad Garlic Bread Pasta 2. William is going to roll a 6 sided dice and flip a coin. The … Read more

Describe the advantages of making a good first impression with your cooperating teacher/mentor, students, and school campus important?

Code of Ethics Based on the National Association of State Directors of Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Model Code of Ethics for Educators,. Describe the advantages of making a good first impression with your cooperating teacher/mentor, students, and school campus important? How do the “Professional Dispositions” help you to make a positive first impression? Model Code … Read more

Discuss the connection between professional dispositions and the Model Code of Ethics.

Professional Dispositions Assessment In 450 words, write a reflection that addresses the following: • Your personal professional disposition statement. • How your self-assessment supports your professional dispositions statement. • Reflects on how you have grown in your professional dispositions throughout your program of study, supported by specific examples. • Discuss the connection between professional dispositions … Read more

Identify and explain the ontological and epistemological assumptions which underpin the researchers’ choice of methodology.

Ontological and Epistemological assumptions Select one paper from the list below. Select either paper A, B or C. A. Macleod, G., Dallas-Childs, R., Brough, C. and Toye, M. (2021), ‘She just got me’: supporting care experienced young people negotiating relationships and identities at school. J Res Spec Educ Needs. B. Catherine E. Stanford, Richard … Read more

Educational Psychology : Define the concept of vicarious reinforcement and give a concrete classroom example to illustrate its effects on students’ behavior.

Educational Psychology Define the concept of vicarious reinforcement and give a concrete classroom example to illustrate its effects on students’ behavior. Use standard APA format with an into paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph.  

Multiple Intelligences : What are some of the criticisms of existing theories about the origin, nature and measurement of intelligence? Do you agree that intelligence theories are generally flawed or limiting? Why or why not?

Multiple Intelligences Reflect on Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences. What types of intelligences might you attribute to yourself? Interpersonal intelligence How does this connect to our work and practice in Early childhood education and care? What are some potential deficits of conceiving intelligence in this way? What are some benefits? What are some of the … Read more

Your local educational climate and how it fits into the larger educational climate, especially as explored in the Nieto (2014) excerpt and by the teachers in the Voices From the Field (2019) media.Discuss.

Educational Climate View the following media: Laureate, Inc. (2019f). Voices from the field: Learning environments and changing students. [Video file].  Baltimore, MD: Author. Review the following Learning Resource: Nieto, S. (Ed.). (2014). Why we teach now. Teachers College Press. Chapter 2, “Kids are Far More Than Test Scores or Why I Continued to Teach in Spite of … Read more

Develop a working knowledge of the theories and understand why each theory is important to you.

Session Long Project. Something solid and reliable on which to build your research and to inform the rest of your design.As such, it is important to examine your own epistemological beliefs when selecting a theoretical framework. Our beliefs are influenced by assumptions, values, and ethics, which are all personal postulates. It is impossible to not … Read more

Do the faculty members from minority cultures feel appreciated and comfortable working in this environment?Explain.

Faculty experiences while working in a different cultural setting.  Do faculty members from other cultures interact freely with students as their majority colleagues do?Discuss. Do the faculty members from minority cultures feel appreciated and comfortable working in this environment?Explain. How do students feel about faculty members from other cultures different from theirs? Explain.