Identify a topic of interest specific to  and develop a presentation for stakeholders linking research to practice through the use of evidence based practices.

Cultural responsiveness. Identify a topic of interest specific to  and develop a presentation for stakeholders linking research to practice through the use of evidence based practices. Presentations should be 20-25 minutes in length and address the policy foundations and knowledge base supporting this practice. You should include a script in the notes section of the … Read more

Analyze the different definitions of poverty and discuss the barriers that can impact children’s educational attainment and later explore the strategies to support disadvantaged pupil’s and how schools can serve their community effectively.

Current and Key Issues affecting Primary Education Explore what poverty is and how this can affect education. Analyze the different definitions of poverty and discuss the barriers that can impact children’s educational attainment and later explore the strategies to support disadvantaged pupil’s and how schools can serve their community effectively.

Letter : Compose a letter to your Federal or State Senator or representative.

Letter Compose a letter to your Federal or State Senator or representative. Your letter should address : Early Childhood Policy, your expertise, what you would like them to consider regarding Early Childhood Policy, and why you want them to make this consideration. Your letter needs to be written as a formal letter. You will receive … Read more

Mandate Reporter Training : Choose one of the following prompts and write a one page essay reflection in APA style.

Mandate Reporter Training •Choose one of the following prompts and write a one page essay reflection in APA style. •Include one of the prompts below, and how you will apply this information to your future work with children and families.   What did you learn? Are you familiar with what law requires your as a … Read more

Based on the National Association of State Directors of Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Model Code of Ethics for Educators, describe the advantages of making a good first impression with your cooperating teacher/mentor, students, and school campus important?

Model Code of Ethics Based on the National Association of State Directors of Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Model Code of Ethics for Educators, describe the advantages of making a good first impression with your cooperating teacher/mentor, students, and school campus important? How do the “Professional Dispositions” help you to make a positive first impression?

How would you as an APRN encourage parents to involve their child in the education and decision-making process?

Education and Decision-making process. Do you feel that diagnoses should always be withheld or always disclosed, or does it depend on the circumstance? How would you as an APRN encourage parents to involve their child in the education and decision-making process? References: Beauchamp, T. L., & Childress, J. F. (2019). Principles of biomedical ethics (8th ed.). Oxford … Read more

Commercial : Describe your commercial in writing or do a video or audiotape your description.

Commercial Your textbook Chapter 2 presents theories or models of family systems. Select one that resonates with you. You’ve been asked to design an engaging TV commercial to help teachers understand that model. Describe your commercial in writing or do a video or audiotape your description. Book for Chapter 2 Home, School, and Community Collaboration … Read more

Self-Evaluating Performance : Research the attributes of effective online teaching and analyze the options and tools other teachers use for self-evaluation of professional practice.

Self-Evaluating Performance. Research the attributes of effective online teaching and analyze the options and tools other teachers use for self-evaluation of professional practice. Based on that research,design an original self-evaluation tool to assess your performance. Once self-evaluation tool is complete, use it to evaluate your professional practices, using the data in your completed Teacher Data … Read more

Education : write a critical analysis of the pedagogical approach used in your micro-teaching lesson.

Education Write a critical analysis of the pedagogical approach used in your micro-teaching lesson. To do this you should address the following (1350 – 1650 words) Why did you choose this particular pedagogical approach? What are some of the strengths and limitations of using this pedagogical approach? Which learning theories manifest themselves in the pedagogical … Read more

Reflection : write your reflections on your e-portfolio , micro-teaching and key points  you learned about learning theories, planning and pedagogy.

Reflection. Write your reflections on your e-portfolio , micro-teaching and key points  you learned about learning theories, planning and pedagogy. (450 – 550 words) Choose at least one academic reading and one tutor or peer feedback that shed light into your understanding. Key areas of strengths, areas for development and next steps for your professional … Read more