Use one of the following arguments against OER and take a stance .Highlight and explain your reasons.

Taking a Stance on Open Educational Resources. While (OER )OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES has many benefits, there are still a lot of people who are against OER creation. Use one of the following arguments against OER and take a stance .Highlight and explain your reasons. Select one of these arguments: Publishing is key to faculty tenure … Read more

Create a paper that explains a data set in terms of what the data means and what educational practices can be implemented regarding the data.

Data Set Explanation Create a paper that explains a data set in terms of what the data means and what educational practices can be implemented regarding the data. (you can use or any other resource to locate these data) Follow these steps to create your paper: Find a publicly available data set Share a … Read more

What factors, both those in the social environment and those internal to the child, influence the rate of development?

The Development of Theory of Mind in Early Childhood Children’s awareness of thoughts, wants and feelings is inferred from what they say and do in naturalistic and experimental situations. Natural settings show the child’s abilities to interact with others in the real world. 1. What are the typical developments in theory of mind from infancy … Read more

Show how critical insights from theory and research have informed your understanding and discuss the impact on your practice as a professional.

Critical analysis Choose one of the topics to focus your assignment on. Using the key reading from this topic to inform your discussion. Evaluate how you have adapted your teaching and the impact this has had on student learning. Show how critical insights from theory and research have informed your understanding and discuss the impact … Read more

Identify and evaluate educational theories and policies and to engage in critical debate about current issues, drawing on evidence from theory, policy, research and practice.

Policy, Practice and Professionalism •Identify and evaluate educational theories and policies and to engage in critical debate about current issues, drawing on evidence from theory, policy, research and practice. •Develop a critical self–awareness of personal identity as a professional within wider discourses about the profession as a whole. • Locate, analyze and synthesize information about … Read more