Demonstrate a systematic understanding of research,national frameworks and practical knowledge in relation to management and leadership and working with others in educational and/or early childhood contexts.

Leadership, Management and Team Working in the Children’s Workforce. 1. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of research,national frameworks and practical knowledge in relation to management and leadership and working with others in educational and/or early childhood contexts. 2. Critically analyze theories relevant to the management of change within rapidly evolving sectors concerned with education and childhood, … Read more

What is corrective feedback and how can it be effective with ELL students? Discuss the differences between explicit/direct and implicit/indirect corrective feedback. Provide an example of using each type of corrective feedback with ELL students.

Self-reflection What is corrective feedback and how can it be effective with ELL students? Discuss the differences between explicit/direct and implicit/indirect corrective feedback. Provide an example of using each type of corrective feedback with ELL students. Why is student self-reflection important as a formative assessment? What are some methods to help ELL students develop self-reflection … Read more

What method(s) of communicating with students will you use and why?Illustrate an example of how a discussion or other communication tool might support learning in your courses?

Course Management System What method(s) of communicating with students will you use and why?Illustrate an example of how a discussion or other communication tool might support learning in your courses? Discuss which Canvas tools you will use for group activities? What do you think about using a button to like your students post? Does it … Read more

What have you learned about lesson planning? What are your most important moments of reflection for the future?

Adapted Tech Lesson Plan Assignment Modify/adapt a teacher-made lesson plan to include using technology at a Redefinition/Seamless level of technology integration. For each change to the lesson, be clear about your decision making process. Discuss how that change will improve the learning and engagement for the future students. Reflection: At the end of your current … Read more

Select a classroom set-up tool from your research, and use a design program of your choice to create an environment map for a preschool classroom.

Environment Map. Select a classroom set-up tool from your research, and use a design program of your choice to create an environment map for a preschool classroom. Include furniture and materials that would support children’s physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional development on the map. Write a 350-word summary of your environment map that includes: … Read more

What do you believe about education? What you believe about teaching and learning,Curriculum development,Assessment,Child development,Social and emotional development and other aspects of education?

Education What do you believe about education? What you believe about teaching and learning,Curriculum development,Assessment,Child development,Social and emotional development and other aspects of education? When you write your paper, state your beliefs and then support them with research. Use APA (7th ed.) formatting for your citations and your reference list. Your paper needs to be … Read more

In the book “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott, what tensions or dialectical opposition’s relevant to education are present, used, and or/explored by the author?

”Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott In the book “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott, what tensions or dialectical opposition’s relevant to education are present, used, and or/explored by the author? Just need the question answered using 3 quotes from the book or supporting information/situations

Using the link above, write a very individualized document that reflects the values you prioritize, the internal and external risks you face, and your plan for putting your Personal Code of Ethics into behavior. Include evidence of a good faith effort to clearly communicate your personal system for evaluating right and wrong.

Personal Code of Ethics Resource Using the link above, write a very individualized document that reflects the values you prioritize, the internal and external risks you face, and your plan for putting your Personal Code of Ethics into behavior. Include evidence of a good faith effort to clearly communicate your personal system for evaluating … Read more

Using the attached story, highlight areas in the passage to make annotations throughout to offer more information about a particular allusion, word, or idea in a text.

Annotations Using the attached story, highlight areas in the passage to make annotations throughout to offer more information about a particular allusion, word, or idea in a text. Find the definition of some of the words by using Oxford English Dictionary and explain how the definition helps to read the text. Provide information about parts … Read more