Share a list of brainstorming ideas of a lesson, activity or unit you want to modify, adapt or create for your students integrating one or more of the technologies covered in this course.

Brainstorming Share a list of brainstorming ideas  of a lesson, activity or unit you want to modify, adapt or create for your students integrating one or more of the technologies covered in this course. Reflect a way for students to not only learn content but hone their critical consciousness/thinking skills of collaboration, creativity, or research … Read more

Compare and evaluate with clarity the elements of two different educational settings that support and encourage learning.

The Curriculum 1. Compare and evaluate with clarity the elements of two different educational settings that support and encourage learning. 2.What evidence of the effective policy and curricula have on practice. 3. Appraise effectively how play and creativity can be incorporated into the planning and delivery of STEM subjects. Use this knowledge to plan, deliver … Read more

Examine the defining characteristics of AI in light of the constructive alignment and interaction that exists between theories of learning and the different functions of assessment.

Digital Assessment in the Artificial Intelligence Age 3000 words (excluding abstract and references) Examine the defining characteristics of AI in light of the constructive alignment and interaction that exists between theories of learning and the different functions of assessment. On analyzing the respective literature in the fields of assessment and AI,  provide the key underpinnings … Read more

Identify child development research and theory within a school context in order to develop a deeper understanding of developmentally appropriate (DAP)instructional practices.

Field experience paper Identify child development research and theory within a school context in order to develop a deeper understanding of developmentally appropriate (DAP)instructional practices. ” Use references outside the textbook references.”  

Critically evaluate the summative and formative dimensions of assessment in the light of the theories of learning discussed above, especially with regard to .

Digital Assessment in the Artificial Intelligence Age Wordcount: 3000 words (excluding abstract and references) Abstract: Technology is increasingly being adopted to support the presentation and administration of assessment activities. This has led to the development of digital tools and techniques that aim to provide technology-enhanced methods for assessing students. In this regard, digital assessment is … Read more

Determine whether differentiation and other practices impacts learning by comparing the growth and grades of students in direct instruction classes to those of similar standing in regular education classes.

Designing an Approach to Inclusive Learning. Determine whether differentiation and other practices impacts learning by comparing the growth and grades of students in direct instruction classes to those of similar standing in regular education classes.

In a 1,000-1,250 word essay, describe the effect of oral language on decoding, reading comprehension, and written expression.

Effects of Oral Language Oral language forms the foundation of reading comprehension and affects our understanding of the symbol systems that are used for reading and writing. Teachers have opportunities to promote reading and writing through various activities that involve oral language, such as group activities, that engage students in conversations about what they read … Read more

In a 1,000-1,250 word essay, describe the effect of oral language on decoding, reading comprehension, and written expression.

Effects of Oral Language In a 1,000-1,250 word essay, describe the effect of oral language on decoding, reading comprehension, and written expression. Describe communicative strategies that teachers use to improve reading and written expression for grades K-3. Support your essay with 3-5 scholarly resources.

Demonstrate a critical awareness of a range of research methodologies used by practitioner researchers.

Research 1. Demonstrate a critical awareness of a range of research methodologies used by practitioner researchers. 2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the selection and application of appropriate data collection instruments. 3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding techniques of data analysis. 4. Articulate a theoretical framework for the enquiry. 5. Design a data collection instrument and … Read more