Develop a 2-page scenario showing how you would handle the case study below when dealing with an LGBTQ+ student.

Develop a 2-page scenario showing how you would handle the case study below when dealing with an LGBTQ+ student. Bring in some terminology, techniques or approaches from either Rogers, Perls or Glasser, our theories for this week. Case Study topic to be used : Background: Suburban public middle school in NJ – 400 students – … Read more

Evaluate your original goal statement and professional growth plan.

The paper has five sections. The length of each section is up to you, but the paper should be 3–5 pages, double spaced. You may cite from your discussion entries, as appropriate, as part of your response. Also be sure to cite appropriate references from the course materials. Write in an essay format as you … Read more

Design a scavenger hunt; audience members must find examples in the text to confirm or challenge your conclusions

Power point for English Design a scavenger hunt; audience members must find examples in the text to confirm or challenge your conclusions Create a checklist that others can use as they read the assigned text Create an infographic or poster that presents your analysis at a glance Provide instructions for a debate

Explain the issues of oppression that work to undermine the academic performance of African American students in elementary education.(ideological, institutional, interpersonal, internalized ).

REVISION -Explain the issues of oppression that work to undermine the academic performance of African American students in elementary education.(ideological, institutional, interpersonal, internalized ) -How educational leaders are complicit in upholding inequities. – What roles do educational leaders’ social location (race, class, gender, and sexual orientation, etc.) shape their mind about leadership, teaching and learning … Read more

What topics emerge within the texts that we have also explored in some way? discuss your findings.(

Comparative Cultures Teaching in Today’s Society Reflecting & Moving Forward: Becoming Advocates for the Field of Education Directions: As is the tradition of this course at the close of the semester, we need to look at what’s currently happening in the field of education. Then, we need to contemplate how current news stories directly and … Read more

What are the similarities between the object in front of you and cultures?

Locate the Analogies Activity file from College content modules. You have 6 pictures in the file and each picture can be used as an analogy to understand culture. Discuss the following questions: What are the similarities between the object in front of you and cultures? What insight does this give about how to work effectively … Read more

Movie: Freedom writers: explain how the characters (e.g. students, teachers, administrators, counselors, parents, etc.) are portrayed? how is the setting depicted?

Comparative Cultures Teaching in Today’s Society Images of Education in Media Watch the movie Freedom Writers (.Chip in on the rental as needed (e.g., Amazon, Netflix, On-demand, Red Box, GSU or local library, etc.). Explain how the characters (e.g. students, teachers, administrators, counselors, parents, etc.) are portrayed? How is the setting depicted? What dilemmas are … Read more