Discuss how the UN documents conceive of the right to an education and consider concepts such as equality vs. equity, social reproduction theory and aspirations/expectations.

Fundamental human right Both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child list education as a fundamental human right. Discuss whether the United States has fulfilled these rights for the Hallway Hangers and the Brothers. Discuss how the UN documents conceive of the right to an education … Read more

Leadership style and approaches of Abraham Lincoln : Write a ten-page research paper on the leadership styles and approaches of Abraham Lincoln.

Leadership style and approaches of Abraham Lincoln Write a ten-page research paper on the leadership styles and approaches of Abraham Lincoln. Paper Format Title Page Chapter I. Introduction This is where you present a purpose, roadmap and short summary on the importance of your select topic. Chapter II. Literature Review This where you will summarize … Read more

Write a critical paper analyzing how 2nd language acquisition can be achieved through the use of duolingo app from a behaviourist perspective.

Second Language Acquisition through Duolingo from a Behaviourism Perspective. •Write a critical paper analyzing how 2nd language acquisition can be achieved through the use of duolingo app from a behaviourist perspective. •The essay should start with explaining duolingo and provide background. •Describe behaviorism as a theoritical framework and then analyze duolingo thru the lenses of … Read more

Educational theory and philosophy: write a one to one and a half-page essay describing your personal philosophy and theory of teaching.

Educational Theory and Philosophy Review all the material in this course, focusing on the philosophies and theories of education, and then conduct your own research about the philosophy and theories that are of greatest interest to you. Write a one to one and a half-page essay describing your personal philosophy and theory of teaching. (approximately … Read more

Which of the five levels of BbET do you consider to be most important?why?

View the websites below and respond to the questions. Piaget and Vygotsky Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Bronfenbrenner%27s-Ecological-Systems-Theory-Paquette-Ryan/b23a4e916f3d815a2624f2289575cdf5c493a0c6?p2df   After reviewing the above links for Piaget and Vygotsky Compare and/or contrast this theory with Piaget’s Theory or Vygotsky’s View of Cognitive Development. After reviewing the BbET link, respond to the following questions: Which of the five … Read more

Write a comparison of three perspectives on the evolution of technology Mei Quoran

Write a comparison of three perspectives on the Evolution of Technology Mei Quoran Essay should include five paragraphs, as follows: Paragraph 1 is your lead paragraph. It will contain an overview of what you have to say in comparing and contrasting the perspectives of Gerhard Lenski, Leslie White, and Alvin Toffler with respect to the … Read more

Which theory from the list above does this video support? Explain your response.

Here are the theories about gender development that you should understand tocomplete this assignment – evolutionary theory, cognitive developmental theory,gender-schema theory, social cognitive developmental theory, biosocial theory andpsychobiosocial theory. 1. Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8mwr93kWOI Which theory from the list above does this video support? Explain your response. 2. Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8DPLBrwzkw What … Read more

Literacy Portfolio: create a literacy instruction portfolio or wiki.

Literacy Portfolio Create a literacy instruction portfolio or wiki. This wiki will serve as a “living” resource manual for you to reference and use in your current or future classroom. As time passes, the materials you incorporate in this assignment can be updated, and additional materials and information can be added to keep the portfolio … Read more