Create a PowerPoint presentation of 12-15 slides that describes PRT, milieu teaching, and discrete trial training that can be shared with general education teachers.

Milieu teaching Create a PowerPoint presentation of 12-15 slides that describes PRT, milieu teaching, and discrete trial training that can be shared with general education teachers. Address the following; 1. Key elements of PRT, milieu teaching, and discrete trial training; 2. What types of skills can be taught using these strategies; and 3. How teachers … Read more

Describe an experience you’ve had or observed with a less-than-perfect leader and suggest what he/she might learn from reflective theory. Also, does anything from the Forbes article resonate with that experience?

Unpleasant experience Reflect back on an unpleasant experience. In so doing, it helps you see that you have learned and grown from that experience. Task(s): Read Four Lessons You Can Learn From Bad Leaders, Forbes 2019. Perhaps, you’ve had a really “bad” boss or observed one whose methods made you cringe. Perhaps, you’ve even been … Read more

Engage in written discussion and reflect on this activity, discussing what differences you observe between your districts and the possible reasons for the differences, what you learned about your local district and the state, what interested or surprised you, how you would use this information as a leader, or any other thoughts that you had as you completed the review.

Finance Facts Engage in written discussion and reflect on this activity, discussing what differences you observe between your districts and the possible reasons for the differences, what you learned about your local district and the state, what interested or surprised you, how you would use this information as a leader, or any other thoughts that … Read more

Identify a trend and the most relevant literature discussing the trend, with an emphasis on empirical, theoretical, and policy literature.

Common Core State Standards. An educational trend is a change in an educational pattern. A current trend may be a theory (e.g., situated learning theory, brain-based learning, social justice), policy or legislation (e.g., Race to the Top, RISE teacher evaluation system), national or international movements (e.g., Common Core State Standards, cosmopolitanism). Analyzing trends/studying these patterns, … Read more

 Hiring practices : Select professional resources that discuss best practices for recruiting, selecting, and hiring staff. Summarize the information from the professional resources and analyze the extent to which your school’s procedures align with best practices.

 Hiring practices Learn as much as you can about your school’s recruiting, selection, and hiring practices. Begin by interviewing your principal to learn the school’s procedures for finding qualified teacher candidates. Ask your principal to provide the interview questions and decision guide they use for selecting teachers. If possible, observe a teacher hiring interview; record … Read more

Bloom Presentation : Research on a  theorist then using the textbook and at least 2 additional resources, make a PowerPoint presentation with 5-7 slides.

Bloom Presentation. Research on a  theorist then using the textbook and at least 2 additional resources, make a PowerPoint presentation with 5-7 slides. The presentation should include : Historical information about the theorist’s life. Information on r theoretical perspective. A connection to your own life. How the theory shapes your work with children, and your … Read more

Cross Cultural Training Evaluation : Use an organization that you are familiar to provide a comprehensive report that identifies the cross cultural training programs.

Cross Cultural Training Evaluation The need to prepare executives cross culturally is imperative for the success of the multinational organization. Use an organization that you are familiar to provide a comprehensive report that: Identifies the cross cultural training programs Compares and contrasts programs from the readings to your organization Identifies potential cultural adjustments needed Includes … Read more

Dances with Wolves : Describe the specific theories, assumptions, or “schools of thought” that the characters in the film have. How do their schools of thought differ?

Dances with Wolves Dances with Wolves (1990). Lt. John Dunbar (Kevin Costner) is assigned to the Western frontier on his own request after an act of bravery. He finds himself at an abandoned outpost. At first he maintains strict order using the methods and practices taught to him by the military, but as the film … Read more