How ready is New Brunswick to manage those threats today?

Can you suggest ways of educating residents about real risks and vulnerabilities, and possible adaptations Report on New Brunswick Province (CLIMATE CHANGE) What are the biggest risks and threats to the Province of New Brunswick, Canada from climate change to 2050. What information did you use to determine that? How ready is New Brunswick to … Read more

What approach you recommend as your energy choice(s) for the future (based on above mentioned reasoning)

SSI Deliberative Exercise Instructions This is an individually written paper from your SSI Deliberative Exercise. Paper must be typewritten with 3-4 pages of text (12 font, 1.5 line spacing). Use sub headings as appropriate. Write a title for your paper – title is an overview of the specific content you present. 3.Write first part of … Read more

Define the region and each municipality involved, include brief stats on where you understand the region/province to be heading in response to climate change what does the future look like

Introduction on New Brunswick Define the region and each municipality involved, include brief stats on where you understand the region/province to be heading in response to climate change what does the future look like? Why the need for action? What are the specific threats? Why must the response and adaptation speed up with new initiatives … Read more

Are there indications they are speeding things up, moving along, achieving their goals?

How will climate change impact that City Assessemnent Check out your municipal website. Explore beyond the initial pages. Dig into the planning information. Is there a climate report somewhere you can download? Information on extreme weather and emergencies for citizens? Gather all that you can including news reports. Check out the local CBC reporting or … Read more

What is the trend in ice cover for Cazenoiva Lake over the last century?

Climate Change Proxy A proxy is an indicator used to measure whether the world’s temperatures are rising or whether the climate is changing. Scientists use data from various sources to uncover whether climate change has occurred.  This essay from the National Oceanic Atmospheric Association change explains the types of proxies scientists use. Because it may … Read more

Do some exploration of a single invasive species. Research into the basic biology, natural history, chronology of introduction and impacts of one invasive species, with the goal of understanding the traits that allowed for a species to become a successful invader, and how such species influence native communities after they invade.

Invasive-species Do some exploration of a single invasive species. Research into the basicBiology, natural history, chronology of introduction and impacts of one invasive species, with the goal of understanding the traits that allowed for a species to become a successful invader, and how such species influence native communities after they invade.

Discuss the impacts of climate change are many and far-reaching. Explore climate change as a driver of species range shifts and biodiversity.

Climate Change Biodiversity and Species Range Shifts. Discuss the impacts of climate change are many and far-reaching. Explore climate change as a driver of species range shifts and biodiversity. Minimum of two paragraphs.  

Identify an incidence of land conversion near where you live, your home town, your favorite vacation spot or anywhere and write a 2-3 page paper about it.

Land Conversion Impacts Identify an incidence of land conversion near where you live, your home town, your favorite vacation spot or anywhere and write a 2-3 page paper about it. includes: Describing the land conversion, Outlines the ecological impacts of the land conversion

Whats the differences between point and nonpoint source pollution and then use the map and pollutants to form a list of nonpoint and point source pollutants andrank the pollutants based on their severity.

Earth Systems Course Work Point Source and Non-point Source Pollution Whats the differences between point and nonpoint source pollution and then use the map and pollutants to form a list of nonpoint and point source pollutants and rank the pollutants based on their severity.