Research at least 10 peer-reviewed papers and dive deeper into any section of a chapter.

Social Engineering on Frame Transformation Throughout this course we have talked about (and will continue to talk about) a great deal of social engineering techniques. Bottom line though, all of what we learned is the various ways we can achieve our end goal. Since we know there are various ways to reach our goals that … Read more

What are their functions and what problems are they designed to solve for the user?

Research new and developing technologies to determine what devices, software, or capabilities are emerging. Instructions   Assignment 3 Describe two ethical dilemmas that may be encountered by a digital forensic practitioner and what steps they should take to ensure their integrity isn’t called into question. Research and describe three IoT devices. What are their functions … Read more

Data Analysis and Medical Technologies : How do innovations in medical device technologies reduce risk and medical risk management in healthcare settings and applications?

Data Analysis and Medical Technologies. Prepare a short background (briefing) paper in which you discuss the following: 1. Medical device technologies (what they are, how they are used, give examples) in these three areas: (a) Wearable sensors and/or monitoring devices (b) Implants (e.g. insulin pumps, pace makers, nerve stimulaters, etc.) (c) Medical Robots and other … Read more

What challenges do cybercrimes present law enforcement agencies and how can such challenges best be addressed?

Cybercrime and Society What challenges do cybercrimes present law enforcement agencies and how can such challenges best be addressed? Format: Word document file, 3000 words All typed work should be in Arial 11 or Times New Roman font size 12. State the number of words used at the end of the assignment. Content in excess … Read more

 Identify and develop advanced techniques for internet forensics which allow you to design substantial investigations to address significant areas of theory and/or practice.

Evidence of Internet usage regularly forms a core part of many criminal investigation scenarios due to the range of services a potential suspect can engage with as part of any criminal conduct. Whilst this evidence type often maintains invest… Identify, evaluate and explain internet investigation concepts, processes and procedures, supporting communicating in a range of … Read more