Discuss the USA PATRIOT Act and explain how it can be used when obtaining foreign intelligence and investigating international terrorism.

USA PATRIOT Act Discuss the USA PATRIOT Act and explain how it can be used when obtaining foreign intelligence and investigating international terrorism. What is a FISA Warrant? In your opinion, is the USA PATRIOT Act good, fair, and useful law?

Negligence is made up of four basic elements. The first element, duty, includes a related concept of “standard of care”. Does that standard of care change depending on the defendant involved, and if so, how?

Negligence Negligence is made up of four basic elements. The first element, duty, includes a related concept of “standard of care”. Does that standard of care change depending on the defendant involved, and if so, how? What is the “reasonable prudent person” standard? What standard of care might a landowner owe a trespasser? What is … Read more

There has been a steady decline in crime in the 21st Century. There have been many theories espoused to explain this decline. Write a 2-page paper examining the various explanations given by criminal justice pundits.

The Decline of Crime in the 21st Century. There has been a steady decline in crime in the 21st Century. There have been many theories espoused to explain this decline. Write a 2-page paper examining the various explanations given by criminal justice pundits. Make your conclusion at the end. Reference (4) articles

Discuss why this case is important to the study of criminal justice and criminal prosecution, and how reading primary documentation about it has changed your own perspective on the case.

Flowing prose paper Aaron Hernandez https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu2QGbGwpYU Aaron Hernandez Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jr0-A7PhLI Discuss why this case is important to the study of criminal justice and criminal prosecution, and how reading primary documentation about it has changed your own perspective on the case. Paper must be double spaced, 11 or 12 pt font and 1” margins all … Read more

Discuss the steps organizational managers and supervisors can take to identify and control prejudicial conduct by employees, to include methods for defusing conflicts related to issues of gender, sexual orientation, race, and ethnicity.

Organizational management and supervisory. Discuss the steps organizational managers and supervisors can take to identify and control prejudicial conduct by employees, to include methods for defusing conflicts related to issues of gender, sexual orientation, race, and ethnicity.