What are the five goals of sentencing? Which strategy do you believe works the best? Which is the least effective? Which method do you believe the United States currently uses? Can they be used in conjunction with one another or do they work more effectively independent of one another?

Sentencing. What are the five goals of sentencing? Which strategy do you believe works the best? Which is the least effective? Which method do you believe the United States currently uses? Can they be used in conjunction with one another or do they work more effectively independent of one another?

Write up a summary that best represents who you are based on the five (5) self-tests altogether.

Self-Evaluation and Self-Reflection. Write up a summary that best represents who you are based on the five (5) self-tests altogether. These self-tests are: (1) VIA Character Strength; (2) Conflict Management Scale; (3) Career Values Test; (4) Work Values Test; and (5) Team Roles Test 1000 words  

Jantzi and Boyes-Watson take quite different views of the role of the state in restorative justice. Which perspective do you find more persuasive? Is there scope to take both views on board? What would that mean in practice?

RESTORATIVE AND ALTERNATIVE JUSTICE. This is a written summary + discussion questions (no more than 750 words maximum) Complete the following reading below and consider answers to the discussion questions below. Janzi, Vernon E. (2010) What is the Role of the State in Restorative Justice? In: H. Zehre & Toews, B. (eds) Critical Issues in … Read more

Do you believe celebrities are treated differently in our system of justice? Why do you believe our system allows that to happen?

Answer the following questions. Answers should be at least 1 to 2 paragraphs in length. 1. Do you believe celebrities are treated differently in our system of justice? Why do you believe our system allows that to happen? 2. The two models in the court system are the crime control model and the due process … Read more

Explore who is impacted by this challenge think about links to artefact one and the wider process.

Evidence Informed Practice Report Artefact  is a 2000 word. You are working as a researcher and have been asked to address a challenge presented to you by the Forensic Capability Network. The challenge is as follows: ‘’Police services need to be confident that crime scene investigators are gaining reliable information from the aggrieved, are using … Read more

Write an essay of 500-1,000 words that depicts the historical evolution of punishment and the eventual use of “houses of correction” in America with consideration of the influence of British jurisprudence.

British jurisprudence Write an essay of 500-1,000 words that depicts the historical evolution of punishment and the eventual use of “houses of correction” in America with consideration of the influence of British jurisprudence. Include a comparison of the early uses of corrections in America with current models, specifically regarding the equity in the treatment and … Read more

Describe and differentiate between different theories of crime.

talk about criminals Describe and differentiate between different theories of crime. Apply and evaluate theories to help explain real acts of crime and deviance. You will be graded based on your writing, structuring of the paper, accuracy of your description of the theories, and how well you apply and compare/contrast the theories. First talk about … Read more

Describe and discuss the field and where and how it can be applied to assist in investigations.

Criminal forensics Complete a minimum 1000-word APA formatted research paper covering a career in criminal forensics. Describe and discuss the field and where and how it can be applied to assist in investigations. Include a minimum of three references typed in APA format. The minimum of 1000 words only applies to the body of the … Read more