Journal : Write a journal or diary-like entry about your life, either past or present.

Journal Write a journal or diary-like entry about your life, either past or present. Don’t think too much about it, just free write. Let it all out but write in complete sentences and try to include some sensory details (visual, auditory, or other details). Write at least two paragraphs total. Some potential topics if you … Read more

Emerging trends : Produce a well-researched email in which you identify three emerging trends in your industry and discuss each one briefly. While this will be in an email format.

Emerging trends in the Healthcare Industry  Instructions In Week 3, you conducted research into your academic program to learn more about what skills you would get from your courses, and how you might leverage what you learned to secure an internship or job in your field of interest. Last week you explored education and training … Read more

Globalization long term process : What are some of the major developments in human history that have contributed to McNeil’s definition of globalization?

Globalization long term process Read the article titled “Globalization long term process”• How does this author, William McNeil, define globalization? • What are some of the major developments in human history that havecontributed to McNeil’s definition of globalization? • What are some features of globalization that he identifies in the past 50-60years? • Why, ultimately, … Read more

Do you see any connections between globalization and your minor areas of study? Could you speculate on what those connections may be?

Columbus Read the “Columbus” article, posted below. This is going to give you a more concreteunderstanding of the history of globalization that you read about above. Answers to the following questions What is globalization, according to this article • What food items were “native” to the New World? How did these helpfoster “globalization”?• Explain how … Read more

Short story : Write a 750-word maximum short story.Include one feature from each of the following categories.

Short story 1. Write a 750-word maximum short story.Include one feature from each of the following categories. Category 1: Choose a point of view First Person Second Person Third Person Limited Third Person Omniscient Category 2: Choose a theme Acceptance is a vital ingredient in friendships Dreams can become a reality through hard work and … Read more

Globalization: Explain how globalization impacts communicable diseases and noncommunicable diseases in public health.

Globalization. 1) Write a researched essay that formulates an original line of inquiry into a complex problem related to globalization, using your major areas of concentration to propose a solution. 2) Explain how globalization impacts communicable diseases and noncommunicable diseases in public health. Use at least 10 sources; at least 5 must be academic (peer … Read more

The Globalization of Markets: Do you believe Leavitt’s argument about globalization after you read about planned obsolescence? Why or why not?

The Globalization of Markets In this essay, the author, Theodore Leavitt argues that globalization will allow businesses to make high quality, low cost goods. But that claim is challeged by a business practice that had been in place for over 50 years before 1983 when “Globalization of Markets” was written: planned obsolesence. Go to this … Read more

Statement of Purpose : Write a statement of purpose  consisting of  two-pages introduction and critique giving admissions faculty view to the scope and thoughtfulness of the work submitted and a sense of the student’s ability to identify both its strengths and weaknesses.

Statement of Purpose •Write a statement of purpose  consisting of  two-pages introduction and critique giving admissions faculty view to the scope and thoughtfulness of the work submitted and a sense of the student’s ability to identify both its strengths and weaknesses. •It should convey a sense of the tone and approach by which the applicant … Read more

If her husband had in-fact died, and she had lived, would she actually be as free as she think she would? Why or why not?

Think about the life of Mrs. Mallard in “The Story of an Hour” and consider how her life might not have been as free as she might have imagined it should the ending have been different. If her husband had in-fact died, and she had lived, would she actually be as free as she think … Read more