Compose a reflective paper of at least 1,000 words in current APA format that details the installations, configurations, challenges, and solutions in the Windows server environment.

Windows server environment. Compose a reflective paper of at least 1,000 words in current APA format that details the installations, configurations, challenges, and solutions in the Windows server environment.

In this paper you will Reflected on the steps to install Ubuntu in powershell as well as the configuration of a server. Then explain the steps of how to share files from powershell to a windows server. in your Cybrscore shell and configure the server as a file server on installation.

Reflection File sharing In this paper you will Reflected on the steps to install Ubuntu in powershell as well as the configuration of a server. Then explain the steps of how to share files from powershell to a windows server. in your Cybrscore shell and configure the server as a file server on installation. Reflect … Read more

Demonstrate your technical knowledge in the field of Computational Mechanics and demonstrate scientific and method-oriented working skills.

Computational Mechanics Demonstrate your technical knowledge in the field of Computational Mechanics and demonstrate scientific and method-oriented working skills. Which topics from bachelor courses are offering the best preparation for the COME program and why?’

Explain in a paragraph what is a No SQL database specifically Mongo DB and Neo4J using Table 14.3 in the textbook.

Mongo DB and Neo4J 1. Explain in a paragraph what is a No SQL database specifically Mongo DB and Neo4J using Table 14.3 in the textbook. 2. Explain the difference between Hadoop and Spark and provide examples of each one. How do these tools assist in the Big Data concept? You may refer to the … Read more

Network technologies are the method a NIC uses to access the medium and send data frames. Describe the major LAN networking technologies

Physical and logical topologies Answer the questions in detail: 1. Distinguish between physical and logical topologies 2. Describe the primary physical networking topologies in common use 3. Describe the primary logical networking topologies in common use 4. Network technologies are the method a NIC uses to access the medium and send data frames. Describe the … Read more