Design Process : suggest the prototyping technique you would use for this system and support your rationale.

Design Process. You have recently started your own software design company. You discover that your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is looking to build a system that will allow receptionists to check in customers quickly. They would like for the system to allow customers to self-check-in during busy times, but have receptionists check customers … Read more

Assess at least five best practices for developing a universally usable interface.

Accessibility Write a four- to five-page paper in which you: Assess at least five best practices for developing a universally usable interface. Evaluate how Section 508 affects developing user interfaces and assess this compliancy standard’s impact on users. Give three examples of available tools for verifying that your interfaces meet universal design guidelines and the … Read more

Write a brief overview based on the two sections IT Outsourcing and Denmark/ Sweden Industry.

Overview You have been asked to write a brief overview of IT Outsourcing Services and specifically the Denmark/ Sweden IT Outsourcing industry and you have found a suitable report The European Market for IT Outsourcing (Note: This report is also available in Moodle). Write a brief overview based on the two sections IT Outsourcing and … Read more