Racial Oppression scenario: Jessica: what sort of advice would you give to the student?explain why your advice represents the best course of action for the student to follow.

Racial Oppression Imagine that you are a residence hall counselor on campus, and the student described in the incident has come to you to ask for advice. What sort of advice would you give to the student?Explain why your advice represents the best course of action for the student to follow. Scenario: Jessica Jessica is … Read more

 Social Media Marketing: watch the following videos of shows and write a 100-word review of one or both shows.

Social Media Marketing  Watch the following videos of shows and write a 100-word review of one or both shows. Watch the episode of DUST on YouTube called “Sight”, a disturbing short sci-fi film that imagines a world in which Googlc Glass-inspired apps arc everywhere. Watch the first episode of The D’Amelio Show, featuring TikTok star … Read more

Personal : development game plan Identify your top three values and explain why they are important.choose one of your challenges and describe how you might work to improve this over time.

Personal Development Game Plan Identify your top three values and explain why they are important.choose one of your challenges and describe how you might work to improve this over time. Use approximately 100 words.  

Construction cost management: demonstrate the application of engaging translating theory with practice.

Construction cost management • Demonstrate the application of engaging translating theory with practice. • Analyze individual experiences and identifying areas for improvement in practice. • Evaluate professional competences through observation and evidence related to recognized professional skills framework. • Recognize personal strengths and successes as well as mistakes and weaknesses.  

Communication, Ethics, and a Command Decision: analyze the ethical decision that the Captain faced as it relates to how he communicated his plea and in the context of his position.consider the sender, receiver, message, and channel.

Communication, Ethics, and a Command Decision Captain Crozier, Commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, wrote and emailed a controversial letter that pleaded for help for crew members stricken by the Covid-19 virus in March of 2020. The communication was sent to several recipients and was eventually leaked to the news media. The situation became front-page … Read more

Management Plan:how does your staff communicate in different directions?what are meeting norms and reporting norms?how are grievances, suggestions, and ideas handled?

Management Plan How does your staff surface, handle, escalate, and resolve conflict; consider bottom-up, top-down, and peer-peer ? How does your staff communicate in different directions? What are meeting norms and reporting norms? How are grievances, suggestions, and ideas handled?

Change gone well change gone bad:describe an organizational change you’ve experienced. discuss the impact of the change on you. was the change handled well? was it handled poorly?

Change Gone Well Change Gone Bad Describe an organizational change you’ve experienced. Discuss the impact of the change on you. Was the change handled well? Was it handled poorly? What lessons did you learn, and what would you do if you were spearheading such a change? If a communications professional was not involved, what role … Read more

CBP Drone Usage in Yuma, AR: create a timeline for the completion of each major step in the research study, including a brief narrative that describes the associated tasks that would need to be completed for each major milestone in the timeline.

CBP Drone Usage in Yuma, AR Research proposal should be 20-25 pages in length and include a minimum of 15 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources. Create a timeline for the completion of each major step in the research study, including a brief narrative that describes the associated tasks that would need to be completed for each major … Read more