Review your presentation have received an electronic copy of the proposal and are reviewing it, but would like to have an overview and be persuaded to make a change you suggest.

Final proposal In a 5-6 minute presentation, created as a narrated PowerPoint or video file, you will provide a persuasive appeal to those who might be able to “green-light” your proposal. In this scenario, you will be providing a persuasive presentation to those who can make decisions. As is typical, the people who would review … Read more

What will you do to improve your writing in the workplace based on what you have learned in this course about the writing process?

When writing academically and professionally, you will make important decisions. Gen/201 foundations for university success Decision Making and Communication Worksheet Part 1: Effective Communication In your academic and professional life, you will make important decisions when communicating with others. Think about the types of decisions you will need to make when communicating both academically and … Read more

What is the subtext or the implied message?

Find an advertisement or song to deconstruct (produced between 2019-present). Post the specific example (direct link or embed it onto the post). Then, deconstruct your chosen example by focusing on at least 2 particular aspects of the example (ex. color, language choice, imagery, etc.) What do you think it is trying to deconstruct? What is … Read more

Identify ten tracks that you would include and write liner notes explaining your choices.

Discuss in one paragraph for each track the following: CD compilation plan Create a plan for a compilation CD that traces the development of hiphop and rap music. Identify ten tracks that you would include and write liner notes explaining your choices. Be specific about your overall vision for the album as well as your … Read more

What would be your part in contributing to a positive work environment with your coworkers?

Discuss positive emotions you experienced that you might have had participating on a sports team or in a volunteer capacity such as a fundraising event Discussion 13 Instructions Communicating for success is vital for success in the workplace. This discussion is about emotional intelligence and the positive effects at work. As you studied the chapter … Read more

Which freedom protected by the first did you exercise and why?

There are five different freedoms protected by the first amendment Exercising the first amendment For this assignment you are asked to exercise your first amendment freedoms. There are five different freedoms protected by the first amendment: freedom of speech freedom of religion freedom of the press freedom of peaceful protest freedom to petition the government … Read more

What is the context for the business communication?

Develop responses to professional business scenarios In the workplace, you will often make decisions about communication as well as develop and deliver different types of professional communications. You will need to be able to assess the effect of social media and other digital technologies on business communication. In addition, you will need to be able … Read more

Analyze the corporate communication practices of one or two corporations, using the “organizational communication/public communication” distinction between corporate communication activity.

Corporate Communication Analysis. Analyze the corporate communication practices of one or two corporations, using the “organizational communication/public communication” distinction between corporate communication activity. Focus on one of the corporations we’ve examined thus far: Dell, Microsoft, GE, Monsanto, Theranos, Nike, the NFL, or Colin Kaepernick’s business and charitable activism.Describe the communication best practices of this corporation. … Read more

Choose one of the case studies from any chapter case study of your choice.What did the firm do right? Or what did they do wrong? What could they have done better to improve the overall circumstances?

Case Study 2 Choose one of the case studies from any chapter case study of your choice. Please submit a written analysis between 2-4 pages, double spaced, in APA format. What did the firm do right? Or what did they do wrong? What could they have done better to improve the overall circumstances?