Does media play a role in how these the characters experience their cultures in this film?

Do hybrid spaces or cultures exist in this film COMS 356 Extra Credit Assignment You will probably need access to Netflix or a place where you can rent the following film. If you don’t have Netflix it is possible to start a week long free trial without any charges. You need to watch the movie … Read more

Write a short, 1-page explanation of the various “sides” of the deliberation and how you would decide or judge those sides.

Select an example of a PUBLIC DELIBERATION that has occurred in the last 6 MONTHS and write a short, 1-page explanation of the various “sides” of the deliberation and how you would decide or judge those sides. This can be about ANY topic – local, state wide, national, or in other countries  and can cover … Read more

Discuss a time someone has relationally transgressed against you-Was it a minor or major transgression (see pg. 305)

Aggression Verbal hostility Physical violence As you think about transgressions you’ve experienced, you will recognize that there are several dimensions to each one. Some are deliberate. Some are unintentional. Some are a one time thing, verses incremental or repetitive. Discuss a time someone has relationally transgressed against you. Was it a minor or major transgression … Read more

What research or sources will you use to obtain facts and data about your message?

Is the action request you are making to your audience clear, concise, and easily actionable Instructions The outline below asks you a series of questions that will help you write your communication proposal due in Week 8. Answering these questions thoroughly will give you an outline to use to write your proposal. Step 1 Select … Read more

Which ones do you use and why are they helpful to you? Why?

How much revision do you use in your communication com 510 Week 5 Discussion – Communication Skills and Editing Now that we are half-way through the course, share what you have learned about your communication skills. In addition, since you are going to be working on revising your outlines to write your final proposals, what … Read more

How should popular content creators partner with companies to promote self-care to their follower?

How should social media platforms restrict ads based on the user’s age Communications Question You have used at least SIX sources in the essay. Your essay is 8-10 pages long (you should have about 15 body paragraphs plus an intro and conclusion). Use these links, to an external … Read more

Would you be interested in publishing a future version of this story?

Do you think this story would be banned, why or why not Childrens story READ CAREFULLY! You are going to construct your own children’s story as a final project for this course. Create a story about a kid having two mothers as parents. Your book must try to educate students on a particular topic and … Read more

How will this help you to be more aware about people’s verbal communication in the future?

What was the most significant thing you took away from the topic of verbal language this week In at least 300 words, respond to the following: What was the most significant thing you took away from the topic of verbal language this week? How will this help you to be more aware about people’s … Read more

How has this shaped the understanding of what it means to be gendered and sexed by media?

This essay will be about Drawing interests in the intersections of gender, sexuality, race, and media. Questions to stimulate your topic selection: What types of messages do you receive about sex and gender roles from media? Is it possible to avoid them? How? How has this shaped the understanding of what it means to be … Read more

discuss whether different behavior might produce more productive results.

Introspection-Response 4 Instructions The assignment needs to be 380-400 words long without the assignment description. Review and use terms discussed about conflict styles in textbook on pages 327-336. Use own examples and not use sources from websites or other sources except textbook. You need to double space Links to an external site. the assignment. Questions … Read more