Creating a Standard Solution : Create a step-by-step process for creating a standard solution of your choosing from solid(BY WEIGHT) Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH), the concentration of this solution.

Creating a Standard Solution •Create a step-by-step process for creating a standard solution of your choosing from solid(BY WEIGHT) Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH), the concentration of this solution. •Should not be greater than 2 M. SHOW ALL STEPS AND CALCULATIONS NEEDED.

Body Mass Index : Is there any difference between the mean BMI of males and females?Is there any correlation positive or negative between BMI and age?

Body Mass Index 1. Is there any difference between the mean BMI of males and females? 2. Is there any correlation (positive or negative) between BMI and age? (a) For males, is there any correlation between BMI and age? (b) For females, is there any correlation between BMI and age? 3. Are there any differences … Read more

THE BUFFER IN LEMONADE : Determine which solution, buffered or unbuffered reacted with more moles of NaOH when the equivalence point was reached?

THE BUFFER IN LEMONADE •Titrate the lemonade drink and the 0.010 M citric acid with a base solution of sodium hydroxide, NaOH and compare the pH changes in the buffered lemonade drink and unbuffered solution of citric acid. •Use pH sensor and monitor changes in the pH of a buffer; observe the effects of buffering … Read more

Enzyme Kinetic Experiment : Prepare a lab report for enzyme kinetic of pH 7 & 8.

Enzyme Kinetic Experiment. Prepare a lab report for enzyme kinetic of pH 7 & 8. The structure for the lab report will include structure: Title page, abstract, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, references. Each structure will have instruction on how to be conducted (can be found in Lab Report 2 Guidelines file). The lab … Read more

Discuss how different radical groups that are present in every single amino acid (AA) will affect the bonding in the molecule.

The Effects of Different Radicals of different mass on Bond Angles in Essential Amino Acids. •Discuss how different radical groups that are present in every single amino acid (AA) will affect the bonding in the molecule. •Compare the angles present in the amino acid with the predicted angles from the Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion … Read more

Nucleophilic Substitution: Conduct an experimental  to determine how the rate of the reaction is affected by the change in concentration of the substrate  and change in concentration of sodium iodide.

Nucleophilic Substitution Conduct an experimental  to determine how the rate of the reaction is affected by the change in concentration of the substrate  and change in concentration of sodium iodide.

Copper (II) tetra-ammonia chloride has the chemical formula Cu(NH3)4Cl2.What is the percent composition of each element in copper (II) tetra-ammonia chloride?

Nitric acid (HNO3), a component of acid rain, is made in the air when NO2 gas comes into contact with water vapor: For every 35.00 grams of NO2 released into the air, how many grams of nitric acid (HNO3) are produced? Copper (II) tetra-ammonia chloride has the chemical formula Cu(NH3)4Cl2.What is the percent composition of … Read more

Isomerization: Compare the physical constants to eliminate solvent choices.Determine solubility of each solid substance in each of the five solvents at room temperature.

Isomerization. Criteria for a solvent to be suitable for use to recrystallize a solid: The solid sample should (a) have a melting point higher than the boiling point of the solvent, (2) be insoluble in the solvent at room temperature,(3) soluble in the solvent at a higher temperature and (4) crystallize, from its hot clear … Read more

Describe how white light is a mixture of individual colors  and how wavelength relates to the color of light, spectral power distribution (SPD) and how it was measured, and the meaning of color temperature including its application in the lighting industry and photography.

Colors of White Light  •Describe how white light is a mixture of individual colors  and how wavelength relates to the color of light, spectral power distribution (SPD) and how it was measured, and the meaning of color temperature including its application in the lighting industry and photography. •Using the data collected, including the SPD graphs, … Read more