Comment on which peak(s) from the starting materials have been lost and whether any prominent new peaks are observed.

Grignard Reagent Report. Report the amounts of the reactants (mass and moles), your yield (actual, in grams and moles, and percent), and the melting point of your product. Remember, percent yields are based on the theoretical yield of the reaction. Comparing your crude product to your recrystallized product will not provide the “percent yield” for … Read more

Calculate the mass of water released by heating the sample by subtracting the mass of the 2nd heating from the mass of the Aluminum Cup + 2.00 grams of KAl(SO4)2 and record in Data Table 2. 

Procedure for EXPERIMENT 1 Gather the digital scale, 2 oz. aluminum cup, glass stirring rod, and cotton ball. The aluminum cup is composed primarily of elemental aluminum, Al. Use the periodic table in Figure 1 of the background to identify the molar mass of this element. Download a printable version of the Periodic Table. Note: The aluminum cup is covered by … Read more

Show each calculation for moles of reagents and for theoretical and actual yield. (up to 4 points). Include these calculations at the end of this section and fill in the box with the number:

Title: Turning up the Heat: Preparation of Isopentyl Acetate Using a Microwave Reactor with Gas Chromatographic Analysis 1. Purpose: In a short paragraph, give the purpose of the experiment (up to 2 pts). Include brief discussion of the mechanism. Proper English and punctuation is required. (pre-lab) . With the combination of a carboxylic acid and … Read more