What bioinformatics technique(s) might be used to predict a newly discovered protein sequence had a similar function and structure to your chosen protein?

Describe a protein that detects the presence of calcium. Include in your discussion a consideration of the evolutionary constraints placed on the primary structure, how calcium is detected and how its presence is transmitted to other cellular components. What bioinformatics technique(s) might be used to predict a newly discovered protein sequence had a similar function … Read more

Iron in Food and Nutrition-Describe how iron and hemoglobin interact. How are they used by our bodies?

Iron in Food and Nutrition Describe how iron and hemoglobin interact. How are they used by our bodies? Describe a biological function of hemoglobin. Write the chemical reaction fa- the function. Find out what difference it makes from a nutritional standpoint (if any) whether iron exists in the body. as ferric or as ferrous ion. … Read more

Describe the VSEPR geometry around at least 3 of the central atoms.

Examples of molecules include: The “burn” in your favorite spicy food The pleasant odor of a flower or that odor that you just can’t stand The chemical that you use in your hobby An over-the counter drug that you have encountered Requirements: Choose a molecule that you would like to investigate. Be sure that it … Read more

Briefly summarize of what was done in the experiment, what was observed and/or what you expected to find, and what, if any, problems were encountered.

Briefly explain any specific and relevant theories and research (3 sources expected – see section 7) Briefly summarize of what was done in the experiment, what was observed and/or what you expected to find, and what, if any, problems were encountered. Briefly summarize the laboratory techniques and equipment you used to collect and analyze the … Read more