Proposed system design (reactor type, reactor + separator + ??, how connected? feed, product, recycle streams? Explain and justify your design compared to other alternatives – no calculations or simulations required, just describe qualitatively)

Supporting equations, calculations, figures, etc. used in your analysis (only those necessary to illustrate your findings) Numerical simulation using Aspen plus Write a short project report for the engineers at ABC Chemicals documenting your findings. It should include the following information: Criteria for optimization Proposed system design (reactor type, reactor + separator + ??, how … Read more

Write a short project report for the engineers at ABC Chemicals documenting your findings. 

Explain and justify your design compared to other alternatives – no calculations or simulations required, just describe qualitatively Design Project 2 The Scenario: Professor Lite’s research group has continued to study their new catalyst that increases the rate of the reaction (1)    Toluene + Methanol   p-Xylene + Water They quickly noticed, however, that … Read more

Use experimental rate-pressure data from a differential reactor to find a suitable rate law and determine all relevant rate constants in Arrhenius form (k1=A1e-E1/RT)

ChE 321 – Design Project 1 Pick A Rate Law, Any Rate Law The Scenario: Professor Z. O. Lite and his fabulously talented group of undergraduate chemical engineers at UND have developed a new catalyst.  In preliminary studies it has dramatically increased the rate at which  p-xylene is formed from the reaction of toluene and … Read more