From the investor’s perspective, the market value as forward looking into the future, while book value is backward looking about the history. Why?

Financial analysis. From the investor’s perspective, the market value as forward looking into the future, while book value is backward looking about the history. Why? Describe the difference between Net Income, Net Cash Flow and Free Cash Flow. Explain why free cash flow is the most useful metrics for investors. List the FIVE major financial … Read more

Entrepreneurship : Create a nonprofit organization and discuss your interest in non-profit organizations.

Entrepreneurship. 7 pages or 4 sources or it can be less. Create a nonprofit organization and include the following in your presentation. 1. Discuss your interest in non-profit organizations. 2. In your opinion, what it takes to start a non-profit organization. 3. What needs to be done to make it acceptable to the general public. … Read more

Explain the different types and sizes/demonstrate the interrelationship of the various functions within on organization and how they link to organizational structure 

Industry analysis factsheets. Explain the different types and sizes/demonstrate the of the various functions within on organization and how they link to organizational structure Demonstrate the interrelationship of the various functions within an organization and how they link to organizational structure Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of interrelationships between organizational functions and the impact that … Read more

Discuss the ethical concerns with open access to original sources of qualitative data.Describe any potential benefits to the academic community, as well as any limitations, for the researcher.

Relationship between Leadership Style, and Organizational culture Answer these 3 questions 2 or three paragraphs each Discuss the ethical concerns with open access to original sources of qualitative data. Describe any potential benefits to the academic community, as well as any limitations, for the researcher. How do these concerns align with the participant protections outlined … Read more

Define the essential components of effective communication.Prepare an evidence based presentation on a topic agreed in class.

Communicating with employees about significant company changes. Description 1.Define the essential components of effective communication. 2. Prepare an evidence based presentation on a topic agreed in class. 3.Defend your presentation in a question and answer session. 4. Reflect on any feedback and how you cold improve your text presentation.

Uncertainty : Analyze and apply the best decision-making process to provide answers and brief explanations for parts “a”, “b”, “c”, and “d”.

Uncertainty. Electronic Timing System for Olympics (below). For this assignment, you will assess and use the correct support tool to develop a decision tree as described in Part “a” of Case 6.3. Analyze and apply the best decision–making process to provide answers and brief explanations for parts “a”, “b”, “c”, and “d”. The answers and … Read more

Should a company advocate for labor rights, a minimum wage, and unionization in developing countries where it has operations?

Culture, Time, and Business Ethics. This Case Assignment for this module looks at an update of Nike and the ongoing issue of sweatshops. The case is found in: Byars, S., & Stanberry, K. (2018). Impact of culture and time on business ethics, chapter 5. Business Ethics. Rice University, OpenStax. Retrieved from p. 138. CC … Read more

What are some of the differences between a leader and a manager?What is innovation, and how is it important to every business?

QUESTION 1 You want to start up a new company but want to make sure that people will buy your product. What methods might you use to assess the potential? QUESTION 2 Some competitor companies have been in the business for a long time. Although they won’t come right out and tell you, how can … Read more

Discuss technology and how its evolved for the new organization.Discuss the different types of organizational structures and decide which structure is the best fit for “The New Organization”.

Generations in the workplace. The New Organization consist of various generations in the workplace. Research the historical timeline of organizational should consist of a complete historical analysis of organizational building. Include the following in your paper: •Differentiate the various generations and their characteristics. Include how those characteristics fit into “The New Organization • Discuss technology … Read more

Using the financial records of the health and beauty company that you work for, as well as the financial records of the company you chose in Module One, create a consulting report outlining the following criteria:

CONSULTING REPORT Using the financial records of the health and beauty company that you work for, as well as the financial records of the company you chose in Module One, create a consulting report outlining the following criteria: 1) Explain key financial performance indicators that various stakeholders would be most interested in. Support your rationale … Read more