Capstone Proposal : Create a 2-3 page proposal that analyzes your business topic, defines the scope and strategy for how you will go about your capstone project, and explains how your proposed project allows you to demonstrate the MBA program outcomes.

Capstone Proposal Create a 2-3 page proposal that analyzes your business topic, defines the scope and strategy for how you will go about your capstone project, and explains how your proposed project allows you to demonstrate the MBA program outcomes. For this assessment, you will formally propose your capstone project. Preparation • Review the MBA … Read more

Business management : Write a 1200 word individual reflection on the dynamics of your presentation group and the process of creating and delivering your group presentation.

Business management Write a 1200 word individual reflection on the dynamics of your presentation group and the process of creating and delivering your group presentation. Your reflection should: Provide a very brief description of the context of the group task Use a reflective model of your choice, such as Gibbs or Kolb Include reflection on … Read more

Organization and Culture : Focus on the organization of your choice and describe its culture and the impact of its culture on its performance, its ability to change, and its promotion of a functional or dysfunctional work environment.

Organization and Culture Select an organization and analyze its culture using concepts from Chapter 16. The organization could be one where you have worked, or where you currently work. Or, it could be an organization that you are familiar with. You could do some research to familiarize yourself with an organization, if needed. Focus on … Read more

Business Administration : Describe your interest in your desired field of study ; Business Information Systems, Operations Management, Management, Marketing, or some combination of the aforementioned, as well as any research experience that you may already have.

Business Administration (DBA) Write and upload a statement outlining your preliminary research interest. Describe your interest in your desired field of study ; Business Information Systems, Operations Management, Management, Marketing, or some combination of the aforementioned, as well as any research experience that you may already have.

Interviews : How effectively and efficiently is the agency run? Your response should include the interviewer’s information as well as your own critical assessment. You should not simply write that all is great with the agency.

Interviews When interviewing with the agency administration, report on the following: We appreciate your interest in Peter’s Place and for reaching out to us as part of your community agency project. We are a grieving center for children and families with our mission being to provide safe and supportive environments for grieving children and families … Read more

Agency Environment : Provide a detailed description of the exterior and interior of the building.Describe the neighborhood and available transportation. List all issues clients need to consider for their travel to this agency.

Agency Environment 1. Provide a detailed description of the exterior and interior of the building. 2. Describe the neighborhood and available transportation. List all issues clients need to consider for their travel to this agency. 3. Describe what a client might expect when making the initial contact 4. Is there a long wait once in … Read more

Community Agency Project : How was the agency created?Indicate the population/geographical areas served by the agency to be investigated.

Community Agency Project Go (Please do not use other organizations) and do research before you answer to all questions. Background 1. How was the agency created? 2. Indicate the population/geographical areas served by the agency to be investigated. 3. Indicate the reason for the agency’s existence.

Social enterprise : Based on your initial pitch, apply your entrepreneurial skills to revise, refine and develop your social enterprise ‘business model’ and ensure its potential for both profit and social impact.

Social enterprise Written report max. 2000 words (+/– 10%)Create, deliver and capture value is what social entrepreneurs do, and to do so theyneed a ‘business model’ to lay the foundation for sustained earned revenue. Based on your initial pitch, apply your entrepreneurial skills to revise, refine and develop yoursocial enterprise ‘business model’ and ensure its … Read more

Project Scope and Work Breakdown Schedule : Analyze project management methodologies and frameworks.

 Analyze project management methodologies and frameworks.and Work Breakdown Schedule Deliverable Format Utilize Project Management Plan template. References:There is no set number of references required for this assessment. Use scholarly or academic sources where applicable. Format: Use the Project Scope and Work Breakdown Schedule components of the template provided. The Project Scope and WBS are professional … Read more

Network news Web site : Describe the commentator’s point of view. If you were giving a presentation to inform, would you express your point of view in a similar style?

Network news Web site Visit a major network news Web site and view a video of a commentator such as Rachel Maddow or Joe Scarborough (MSNBC) Anderson Cooper (CNN) Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson (Fox News). •Identify the topic of the segment that you viewed.Include a brief summary of the segment. •Describe the commentator’s point … Read more