What are its signature conventions, most recognizable features and do these conventions suggest anything about the viewer and his or her expectations, values, beliefs?

  For this discussion, go to an online film streaming service such as Netflix and find a tab titled “Genres.” Choose one genre, such as drama, horror and observe the following: the images used, the typefaces, the colors, the descriptions of the films, focusing on commonalities, conventions. any outliers of the genre/exceptions to it (items, … Read more

Where does the country fit into Hofstede’s cultural framework? What are the country’s preferred leadership styles from the GLOBE framework? How are values and ethics different in this culture?

International Business Conduct a PESTEL analysis of the host country and the impact each sector would have on your firm. Include the country’s major financial institutions and the strength of its currency versus the U.S. dollar (USD). How would the firm use hedging tools to mitigate foreign exchange exposure and contribute to corporate social responsibility … Read more

Prepare a 2 page report to Mr. David Kimbell and Ms. Mary Dillion with an additional page of exhibits detailing your analysis and recommendations.

Better Normal and article “Ulta Beauty Inc 2021 Read Chapter 4 Better Normal and article “Ulta Beauty Inc 2021”in depth. You have been hired as a consultant to Ulta Beauty, Inc. owners.Mr,. David Kimbell and Ms. Mary Dillion have asked you for guidance regardingproposed diversification options. How would you recommend that they proceed? Your recommendations … Read more

Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched.

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness Choose a public corporation, with which you are familiar, from one of the following industries: Travel. Technology. Food. Requirements Write a 4-6 page paper in which you address the following: Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched. Apply the industrial organization model and the resource-based … Read more

Discuss one moral and one ethical breach by the company.For each breach, provide a suggested remedy that would protect the company from liability.

North Country After watching the film “North Country” (2005, drama film . You can also watch clips on youtube or find reviews/ summaries on websites to understand the plot of north country) Discuss one moral and one ethical breach by the company.For each breach, provide a suggested remedy that would protect the company from liability. … Read more

Demonstrate a high level of specialist knowledge and of conceptual understanding at the forefront of the areas of professional and business practice studied.

Diversity and Inclusion •Demonstrate a high level of specialist knowledge and of conceptual understanding at the forefront of the areas of professional and business practice studied. • Demonstrate a high level of conceptual understanding of principles of business and management so as to understand, anticipate and respond to the needs of business clients. • Evaluate … Read more

Using the audio files along with the process map, ITO diagram, and supply network diagram, Conduct a Lean analysis of the “Case Study” order process, and using this construct some applied plans to make the business ‘leaner’.

Consultancy Report Using the audio files along with the process map, ITO diagram, and supply network diagram, Conduct a Lean analysis of the “Case Study” order process, and using this construct some applied plans to make the business ‘leaner’.