Would you recommend a patent, trademark, copyright, or a trade secret? Explain your reasoning and the steps you might take to protect your marinade recipe from competitors.

CASE STUDY You are the owner of a restaurant and have a special recipe for a marinade that you use for rotisserie chicken. Your rotisserie chicken is a big hit, especially in the take-out market, and comprises some 60% of your business. You decide that you need some kind of intellectual property protection for your … Read more

Prepare a 2- to 3-page paper that consists of a plan of action for Stacy to follow at the initial meeting and for a likely mediation.

SLP INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, INSURANCE, AND ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ADR) After facing some initial problems in obtaining an additional supply of organic blueberries, Stacy’s business continues to flourish. As it happens, however, Stacy’s commercial kitchen in the industrial park had a visit from a local Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) inspector who discovered a few … Read more

Using the four functions of management describe how the business department operates in each of the countries.What are the differences?What are the similarities?How does this help or hinder the department?

Global Operations. Consider the following scenario as you complete and respond to the questions below: You work for a global manager. This position involves managing a key business department located in two different countries with two different cultures. You have been asked to create a report. This report is to provide information to your manager … Read more

You’re the manager of a Multinational; what strategies would you adopt to better integrate into the conditions of the host country; compare and contrast your strategies with those of existing Multinationals.

Multinational Organization You’re the manager of a Multinational; what strategies would you adopt to better integrate into the conditions of the host country; compare and contrast your strategies with those of existing Multinationals. Conceptualize the future of Multinationals and their challenges; what role they will play in the globalization process and in the development of … Read more

Suppose you’re the owner of a Multinational, what strategies would you adopt to be a successful company? Reflect on those strategies and discuss any differences you may see between your strategies and those adopted by others.

International Business Market Suppose you’re the owner of a Multinational, what strategies would you adopt to be a successful company? Reflect on those strategies and discuss any differences you may see between your strategies and those adopted by others. Length: 12-15 pages (app. 350 words per page), not including title and reference pages.

Demonstrate your understanding of how supply and demand differ between monopolies and perfectly competitive markets and how these two markets determine the quantity supplied and market prices.

Supply and demand Demonstrate your understanding of how supply and demand differ between monopolies and perfectly competitive markets and how these two markets determine the quantity supplied and market prices. Provide explanations of how the price effect and the quantity effect cause marginal revenue to be different from the price. Demonstrate your understanding of the … Read more

Put into practice what you have learned about business process mapping and business process analysis.

The management of business processes Put into practice what you have learned about business processmapping and business process analysis. This includes drawing and analyzing Business Process (BP) maps.putinto practice, what you have learned about business processmapping and business process analysis . This includes drawing and analysing Business Process (BP) maps.

Identify a problem or issue in your present or past workplace, or your community and develop a concrete, practical solution to the problem that can be implemented.

Analyze business problems Identify a problem or issue in your present or past workplace, or your community and develop a concrete, practical solution to the problem that can be implemented. Use clear, concise language, correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use APA 7th edition for the content and citation format and style. The total proposal should … Read more