Why are you looking to pursue an MBA or MS degree at this point in your life and what do you see yourself doing professionally upon graduation?

MBA or MS degree Why are you looking to pursue an MBA or MS degree at this point in your life and what do you see yourself doing professionally upon graduation? What key actions have you taken up to this point to prepare you for this career?

Analyze and recommend whether Tacy should be an employee of Clean or an independent contractor? Explain why.

Agency You and Winnie and Ralph are discussing Clean’s plan to hire George Tacy as an agent for recruitment and hiring computer/IT employees. You all recognize the importance of having a clearly defined agency agreement, and there are different types of agents. Analyze and recommend whether Tacy should be an employee of Clean or an … Read more

Analyze a project in order to produce an effective solution and evaluate the management of the project with regard to future development of skills

 Project Management in Business 3000 Words Appreciate a range of project management techniques, and the ability of providing appropriate client project management solutions. Analyze a project in order to produce an effective solution and evaluate the management of the project with regard to future development of skills

What are the three criteria of effective teams, as described in the textbook? How are all three evident in each of the five stages of team development? Provide examples to support your response.

Group thinking 1) What are the three criteria of effective teams, as described in the textbook? How are all three evident in each of the five stages of team development? Provide examples to support your response. 2) What can managers do to address group think?

Write a discussion board response of about 200-300 words where you consider a car accident you’ve been involved in or about a bad/complicated/interesting/challenging experience you’ve had with a car.

Discussion board Write a discussion board response of about 200-300 words where you consider a car accident you’ve been involved in or about a bad/complicated/interesting/challenging experience you’ve had with a car.

Your insurance agent is sympathetic to having a neighbor who doesn’t seem to care as much as you about fire safety, but he tells you he can’t sell you such insurance, and he doesn’t think any ethical agent will. Why not? What principle of insurance law is involved?

Insurance You own a warehouse in an industrial district. This year you’ve installed the latest sprinkler and other fire remediation measures. You’re proud of the preventive steps you’ve taken, especially when you consider the neighboring warehouse where the owner has installed the bare minimum to comply with fire department regulations. You call your insurance agent … Read more

For both of these options, what kind of payment do you think you would receive if your machinery is destroyed and the actual value of your machinery is established? Explain your answers.

Case Assignment When you bought a business, a complicated custom-made packing machine was included in the sale. You estimate that if the machine were destroyed it would cost $125,000 to replace. You are changing your property insurance, and the new insurance agent is relying on you to provide a value for the packing machine. You … Read more

What do you think? Did you do anything wrong? Are you in violation of copyright law? Explain.

Scenario You are an aspiring singer/songwriter, and while surfing the Internet, you come across the sheet music for a song you think will display your talents well. You don’t see any notice of copyright on the webpage or the sheet music. You see the songwriter’s name and, after doing some internet research, determine that he … Read more